reprobate servant was pierced to the heart, and cried out in the most affecting manner for pardoning mercy and renewing grace. In a little time after, the good work became more general, until at length all denominations in the neighborhood caught the flame. The worst of characters were conquered, and scoffers ceased to scoff. Methodists, Baptists, and Independents felt the heavenly flame. The revivals did not stop in that part of the country, but soon appeared in a line from Cilycwm to Lamortyd, and even as far as Builth. Landovery, Landilo, and many other places, were visited in a similar manner. There were also great revivals in Glamorganshire, especially at Cwmllynfell, Neath, Morriston, Mynyddback, and Swansea. Mr. Evans, of Mynyddback, in December last, received above 200 persons to communion. During the last two months, above 600 have been admitted to the fellowship of the Independent church at Morriston, including those on probation. The moral change which has already taken place in the neighborhood of Swansea and Morriston is truly great. As a friend of mine was returning one evening, about a month back from Lansamlet to Swansea, he could hear nothing on the road but singing of hymns and repeating portions of Scripture, even by those persons whom he had seen a few Sunday evenings before dancing and rioting. Instead of quarrelling and fighting, as usual, they now return from their work in peace and harmony, congratulating each other on the great things which the Lord hath done for them. I am not in possession of a correct account of the numbers added to the Baptist and Calvinistic Methodist churches; but you may depend on the correctness of the following list of additions made to the following Independent churches since the commencement of the revival: The general opinion is, that upwards of 3000 souls have been added to the churches of Christ (including all denominations) in South Wales, within the last year. There is at present, throughout South Wales, a general desire for the out-pouring of the Holy Spirit; and there are Union Monthly Prayer Meetings in various parts, for the out-pouring of the Spirit, which are numerously attended. Indeed I have no doubt that many ministers and churches, besides those which I have mentioned, do already experience, in some degree, the out-pouring of the Spirit. Great additions have been made to many Dissenting churches not mentioned in this letter, in the course of last year; and from the aspect of things throughout the country, we have every reason to hope that God will soon cause revivals to be general in Wales. That you may enjoy much of the Divine presence, and great success in the ministry, is the sincere prayer of, CARMARTHEN, Feb. 7, 1829. Dear Sir, yours, respectfully, &c. DAVID PETER. NO. 9, CORNHILL, Keep for sale a good assortment of RELIGIOUS AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, And are supplied with all new publications as they appear. 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By CYRUS MANN, Pastor of the Congregational Church in Westminster, Mass. CHRISTIAN ESSAYS: TO WHICH IS ADDED, AN Essay on the Influence of a Moral Life on our Judgment in Matters of Faith. By the Rev. SAMUEL CHARLES WILKS, A. M. From the Second London Edition. LECTURES ON SCHOOL KEEPING. By SAMUEL R. HALL. THE PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION; OR, AN ILLUSTRAtion of the Moral Laws of the Universe. By THOMAS DICK author of "The Christian Philosopher," &c. &c. THE PHILOSOPHY OF A FUTURE STATE. BY THOMAS DICK, author of "The Christian Philosopher," "The Philosophy of Religion," &c. &c. A DISCOURSE ON THE PROPER SUBJECTS OF CHRIStian Baptism. By SAMUEL ARNOLD, author of two Sermons on the Mode of Baptism. SERMONS ON WAR. BY REV. THOMAS T. STONE. Containing-Sermon I. Arguments in Favor of War.-Sermon II. The Alleged Right to Engage in War.- Sermon III. Origin of War-Sermon IV. Calamities of War. - Sermon V. Moral Results of War. - Sermon VI. Remedies of War. 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Second Edition, revised and corrected. THE PARABLE OF THE TEN VIRGINS, ILLUSTRATED in Six Sermons. By JAMES WOOD, London. THE BRIGHTER AGE: A POEM. BY J. B. WATERBURY. Published by TOWAR & HOGAN, Philadelphia, and for sale by PEIRCE & WILLIAMS, No. 9, Cornhill, (late Market Street,) Boston: The Stereotype Edition of "An EXPOSITION of the OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT: wherein each chapter is summed up in its contents; the sacred text inserted at large, in distinct paragraphs; each paragraph reduced to its proper heads; the sense given, and largely illustrated; with Practical Remarks and Observations. By MATTHEW HENRY. A New Edition: Edited by the Rev. George Burder, and the Rev. Joseph Hughes, A. M. With the Life of the Author, by the Rev. Samuel Palmer. First American Edition: to which is prefixed a Preface, by Archibald Alexander, D. D. Professor of Theology in the Seminary at Princeton, N. J." 6 vols. large royal Svo. The first volume is accompanied with a handsome Portrait of the Author. TERMS.-The price of each set, when a less number than six are taken, will be, in boards $21, in binding $24. If six or more copies are taken, the price will be reduced one sixth; i. e. in boards, $2 93 per volume, or $17 50 a set; in binding, $3,34 per volume, or $20 a set; payable on delivery. The New Testament in 2 volumes is furnished at $1 extra, returnable if the remainder of the set is afterwards taken. Henry's Commentary, in becoming more known, is more highly prized by all the evangelical denominations of our country. Perhaps no book (of human composition) has been published in the United States, that has given so much gratification to its purchasers. The following vivid delineation of its characteristic qualities is from the pen of the excellent author of the Preface to this edition, the Rev. Dr. ALEXANDER, of Princeton. "A characteristic of this Exposition, of a more important kind than any that have been mentioned is, the fertility and variety of good sentiment manifest throughout the work. The mind of the author seems not |