.... 125 XXXVIII. Christ's Entry into Jerusalem.. 128 XXXIX. Jesus anointed at Bethany 131 XL. Institution of the Lord's Supper 134 mane ................ INDEX OF HYMNS. Page .... Montgomery 137 According to thy gracious word Behold the apostlic band.. .... .... 'Blest are the meek,' he said .......... Anonymous 69 Creator! by thy care and love ........ ......... Faint not, poor traveller, though thy way .... Chris- 172 Hail to the Lord's anointed .......... Montgomery 175 41 ... Happy the meek, whose gentle breast ...... J. Scott 117 Page Incarnate Word, who, wont to dwell ........ Heber 35 In Pilate's hall, by scornful Pharisees 152 In the Saviour's hour of death 160 .... In the soft season of thy youth.. Salisbury Collection 21 Lift your glad voices in triumph on high ........H. Oh King of earth, and air, and sea ..... Heber 110 Oh lovely voices of the sky Mrs. Hemans 18 Oh suffering friend of human kind 120 .... Oh Thou to whom, in ancient time...... .. Pierpont 45 |