Contemplations of the Saviour; a Series of Extracts from the Gospel History, with Reflections, and Original and Selected Hymns. By S. Greenleaf BulfinchJohn Mardon, 1833 - 176 pages |
À l'intérieur du livre
Résultats 1-5 sur 12
Page ix
... Sabbath - day 41 ... Happy the meek , whose gentle breast ...... J. Scott 117 Hath not thy heart within thee burn'd ............ 168 Page Incarnate Word , who , wont to dwell ........ TO JESUS'S FIRST MIRACLE Page Page.
... Sabbath - day 41 ... Happy the meek , whose gentle breast ...... J. Scott 117 Hath not thy heart within thee burn'd ............ 168 Page Incarnate Word , who , wont to dwell ........ TO JESUS'S FIRST MIRACLE Page Page.
Page 39
... in their hands . And certain of the Pharisees said unto them , Why do ye that which is not lawful to do on the Sabbath day ? And Jesus answering them , said , Have ye not read so much 39 XII Walk through the Cornfields Page.
... in their hands . And certain of the Pharisees said unto them , Why do ye that which is not lawful to do on the Sabbath day ? And Jesus answering them , said , Have ye not read so much 39 XII Walk through the Cornfields Page.
Page 40
... Sabbath , that he entered into the Synagogue , and taught : and there was a man whose right hand was withered . And the Scribes and Pharisees watched him , whether he would heal on the Sabbath day ... Sabbath day ? To do good , or to do ...
... Sabbath , that he entered into the Synagogue , and taught : and there was a man whose right hand was withered . And the Scribes and Pharisees watched him , whether he would heal on the Sabbath day ... Sabbath day ? To do good , or to do ...
Page 41
... Sabbath . But our Saviour would guard his followers against superstition , even in their veneration for the day of God's appointment . We must not neglect the means of religion - the Sab- bath and its ordinances , prayer , public and ...
... Sabbath . But our Saviour would guard his followers against superstition , even in their veneration for the day of God's appointment . We must not neglect the means of religion - the Sab- bath and its ordinances , prayer , public and ...
Page 42
... day thine own , When men draw near their God . Thy temple is the arch Of yon unmeasured sky ; Thy Sabbath , the stupendous march Of grand eternity . Lord ! may that holier day Dawn on thy servants ' sight , And grant us in those courts ...
... day thine own , When men draw near their God . Thy temple is the arch Of yon unmeasured sky ; Thy Sabbath , the stupendous march Of grand eternity . Lord ! may that holier day Dawn on thy servants ' sight , And grant us in those courts ...
Autres éditions - Tout afficher
Contemplations of the Saviour; a Series of Extracts from the Gospel History ... Aucun aperçu disponible - 1832 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
angel Art thou baptized behold Blessed blind born brethren brother called Capernaum cast child Christ cometh dark death devils disciples divine earth earthly eyes faith Father fear feast Galilee give glory happiness hath healed heard heart heaven heavenly Herod holy hour HYMN Israel Jerusalem Jesus answered Jesus saith unto Jews John John the Baptist Judas Iscariot Judea king kingdom kingdom of heaven knew light Lord LUKE Mary Master MATT mercy miracles mother mother of Jesus multitude Nathanael Nazareth o'er pass passover path peace Peter Pharisees Pilate POOL OF BETHESDA prayer prophet REFLECTIONS Sabbath day Samaria Saviour say unto thee scribes SECTION sent servants sick sight Simon Simon Peter Son of Zebedee soul spake spirit temple thine things thou art thou hast thou shalt thou wilt thought Verily voice walk weeping whosoever woman word worship