Contemplations of the Saviour; a Series of Extracts from the Gospel History, with Reflections, and Original and Selected Hymns. By S. Greenleaf BulfinchJohn Mardon, 1833 - 176 pages |
À l'intérieur du livre
Résultats 1-5 sur 13
Page 6
... earthly enjoyment than a good parent derives from the virtue of his child . What an incite- ment does this afford to a grateful son , to render his growing virtues a crown of joy to the grey hairs of those who gave him life ! But the ...
... earthly enjoyment than a good parent derives from the virtue of his child . What an incite- ment does this afford to a grateful son , to render his growing virtues a crown of joy to the grey hairs of those who gave him life ! But the ...
Page 9
... yielded its poor ac- commodations to Mary and her infant . In after days too , many a ruler of the people would have felt him- self dishonoured by a comparison with Jesus . But what is earthly power or wealth , in the sight 9.
... yielded its poor ac- commodations to Mary and her infant . In after days too , many a ruler of the people would have felt him- self dishonoured by a comparison with Jesus . But what is earthly power or wealth , in the sight 9.
Page 10
what is earthly power or wealth , in the sight of God ? The multitude who then thronged Bethlehem have passed away , and their names have no longer an ex- istence in the memory of man ; nor would a vestige remain to prove that they had ...
what is earthly power or wealth , in the sight of God ? The multitude who then thronged Bethlehem have passed away , and their names have no longer an ex- istence in the memory of man ; nor would a vestige remain to prove that they had ...
Page 21
... earthly subjects , dis- playing the same understanding , to the astonishment of those who heard him , we must have admired , but we should not have loved him as we do now . And what we love , we should imitate , giving up our hearts to ...
... earthly subjects , dis- playing the same understanding , to the astonishment of those who heard him , we must have admired , but we should not have loved him as we do now . And what we love , we should imitate , giving up our hearts to ...
Page 37
... earthly things , and ye believe not , how shall ye believe if I tell you of heavenly things ? And no man hath as- cended up to heaven , but he that came down from heaven , even the Son of man , which is in heaven . REFLECTIONS . Sects ...
... earthly things , and ye believe not , how shall ye believe if I tell you of heavenly things ? And no man hath as- cended up to heaven , but he that came down from heaven , even the Son of man , which is in heaven . REFLECTIONS . Sects ...
Autres éditions - Tout afficher
Contemplations of the Saviour; a Series of Extracts from the Gospel History ... Aucun aperçu disponible - 1832 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
angel Art thou baptized behold Blessed blind born brethren brother called Capernaum cast child Christ cometh dark death devils disciples divine earth earthly eyes faith Father fear feast Galilee give glory happiness hath healed heard heart heaven heavenly Herod holy hour HYMN Israel Jerusalem Jesus answered Jesus saith unto Jews John John the Baptist Judas Iscariot Judea king kingdom kingdom of heaven knew light Lord LUKE Mary Master MATT mercy miracles mother mother of Jesus multitude Nathanael Nazareth o'er pass passover path peace Peter Pharisees Pilate POOL OF BETHESDA prayer prophet REFLECTIONS Sabbath day Samaria Saviour say unto thee scribes SECTION sent servants sick sight Simon Simon Peter Son of Zebedee soul spake spirit temple thine things thou art thou hast thou shalt thou wilt thought Verily voice walk weeping whosoever woman word worship