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Page 263.


But now he sees the end of thee,
He cannot shun thee here;
And perfect so the end will be,
When I in power appear:

They'll find, like he, they cannot flee;
'Their honour so is lost."

"He must appear the whole to clear;
For I'll ne'er give him up.

His honour I can never clear,

If now I let him drop.

So he must stand as I command,
And all must stand the same:
"We never will give up his hand”-
His promise all must claim,
For to appear the whole to clear;
For I shall all go through.
And as my Bible doth appear,
The ending all shall know."

Page 269." They mock my Bible as 'tis plac'd,
And so they mock their Lord;

Page 254.

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"And this is done by my command,
And so the Trial he must stand;
Then he shall fall to rise again,
If he come forward to contend
It is the woman caus'd his fall,
And prove his honour clear in all,
Before the woman he betray'd:
And now she'th cast it on his head;
And so his honour here is lost;
But when the truth to him doth burst,
He'll find his honour rise more high
Than e'er before it here did lie;
And see his standing more secure
Than 'twas before for to endure;
Because his standing is by ME,
The woman's innocence shall free
The every fall that is in man,

That now the Trial bold will stand.

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And will not justify the man,
If to the Trial he do come,
And there confess his every guilt,
The way at first his fears he felt?
Then I will surely free the man:
In Adam's fall he now doth stand.
So here of
I shall end:
Deep are the lines that thou hast penn'd;
I tell you deep as none can see
The type of ******* and of thee
A thing that I did first ordain,
To bring the fall now back on men;
And when that men do see it clear,
They must confess the man did err,
To blame his Maker at the first,
As Satan's subtle arts did burst
Upon the woman at that time;
And man as weak they all must find,
As he was tempted so to fall:
And now let

* judge the call;
And so from *** * * * * I'll go on;
He stands a type to every man;
Because his honour I'll not clear,
Till he confess his Lord is here."

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The reason I am ordered to put the above in print is, to shew how much they were stumbled at receiving this letter, as they could not reconcile what was said in these pages, that I had pointed out to them, concerning him; neither could they understand my letter, of my feelings, and the Lord's having love and pity for the man, as he was taken off in that manner, and had not lived to clear up the truth; but my spirits were too much agitated at that time to discern the judgment they drew; but from the judgment they had drawn from the pages, I had the following communication given me, to send them; as they had not discerned that the pages pointed out to them were in answer to his letters.

Sept. 3d, 1813. "Let men discern the first letter I ordered thee to send to *******, in 1804, to call him forward


to answer for the letters I ordered thee to put in his hands; then they must discern what was his answer calling thee a deluded woman; denied having any letters of thine in his hands; or having any writings, or papers of thine. Here let men discern how he tried to shun giving any answer to the truth that I ordered thee to demand of him; let them discern how he tried to shun having any knowledge of thee, but from the insulting letters he said he received, and wherein he complained thou hadst abused him; how strongly he desired ***** to prevail on thee to desist from troubling him. Here men must discern, from his letters, how much he tried to shun the truth's being brought to light, that was put in his hands; and this they must compare with the answer I gave thee, that it was in vain for ******* to shun the truth, or to prevail upon man to persuade thee to keep silence; because their honour as well as thine were both brought into disgrace by him; for if they were vindicating thy character, and thy visitation as being from the Lord, and thus publishing to the world; if they did not demand of him to come forward with the truth, I ask thee, how could they appear? Could they prove they had acted with justice, or with honour, as upright men, that stood between God and men? For, as they believed thy visitation to be from the Lord, they must disobey the command of the Lord, if they desisted from troubling him with letters, to find out the truth; and therefore I said it was in vain for ******* to try to flee, to shun the call that was of men; if he would clear his honour, he must come forward to acknowledge every truth; for there was no other way, that his honour could be cleared.

"Therefore men must deeply discern his letters,

and how much he complained of the loss of his honour; which I told thee I should repair, if he came forward as a man of honour, to acknowledge every truth. Thus they must compare the communications with his letters, and then they will see on what conditions things stood.

"Now come to the beginning: when he first fell back, in 1802, what ways he acted! what arts he used! thinking to gain his honour amongst men by destroying the truths put in his hands; and the very way he went to gain his honour, at the first, was the way he lost it; and so they must discern, at the last, had he come forward by my commands, either by writing to acknowledge all that had been put in his hands, that he had received them, that all was true, as thou hadst enumerated, but said he was sorry, through unbelief, that he had been prevailed upon to destroy them; yet he would acknowledge he had received them. Had he done this, as I demanded of him, either by letter or appearing; then I should have freed his honour, according to my promises, and cast the blame on his faithless friends, who did not discern, that in a cause like this, where any one came forward in the name of the Lord and to prophesy in his name; that the testimony of Jesus coming is by the Spirit of Prophecy, that is now given to warn that the end is at hand; and to prove the truth of the mission the prophecies of events were ordered to be put in the hands of the ministers. And now I ask mankind, how a minister, that is an upright man, standing between God and his people, can justify himself before God and man, if he refuses to take the letters, that he may find out the truth, whether the woman be visited by the Lord, who is the God of truth, or whether she be visited by the devil, who is the father of


lies? Here let, men discern deeply in what manner the command was given; and then let them look to my Gospel, and know what is written'Believe not every spirit; but try the spirits, whether they are of God or not:' and know I said, that the Spirit of Truth should come to guide you into all truths. Now where are the preachers of my Gospel, who profess to believe in my Gospel and the fulfilment thereof, and do not discern that these commandments stand on record? And this is the duty of every minister, to act as ******* acted at first; for if thou hadst been visited by the devil, he would have had it in his power to stop thy hand in the beginning; because the events would not have taken place, that thou wast ordered to put in his hands, if they had not come from the God of knowledge and truth, who had power to fulfil his words: And therefore, by his wisdom and his prudence, he would have soon found out if there was deceit; and that way he would have stopped thy hand. And this was the duty that every minister ought to have acted in; because I warned them of false prophets, and of true ones; or how could the Spirit of Truth come to guide you into all truths, and teach you things to come, without prophecies being given? But how are these things to be sought out, if the ministers, like careless shepherds, will give themselves no trouble to search out the truth, and try the fruit? Then how is my Gospel obeyed by them? They can no more answer to my Gospel, that they act according to my commands, that they are faithful shepherds, and teachers of the flock, who refuse to search out the truth, when it is put in their power to do it—such can no more answer to the scriptures, in the end, than ******* could answer for himself, when the truth was demanded

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