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that no one hath clearly understood, in what manner his calling was at the first; and how great where the promises, if he stood to the last. But this is known unto all, how he fell back, by the temptations of the devil and the persecution of men; and let men see in what manner I worked with thee, how I afflicted thee, how I threatened thee not to raise thee up, before thou hadst brought to light the hidden things that were done in darkness, concerning ******* ; which he thought, as all the power was in his hands, he should conceal it from mankind, by destroying it; and gain his honour by disgracing thine, when he joined with the multitude to do evil, to publish to the world that thou wast led by the devil. Thus he thought to gain his houour with men; and this honour I took from him.

"Now come to the 41st page, given in 1796: let men discern the depth of the words

"Let the sons of men beware

That she be not denied ;

More fatal now than Adam's fall

'Twill happen to the man."


** per

"Here thou sayest in thy heart, fectly obeyed at first, and did not deny thee any thing thou requiredst of him. Therefore thy inquiry is, whether that fatal fall compared to Adam now alludes to him? To thy inquiry I shall


"Know, in the first place, how great was his calling, if he stood stedfast to the end; and how great were my decrees for Adam, had he stood sted fast to obey my commands: but Adam was betrayed by the subtlety of the serpent; and through his fall the curse was pronounced upon the serpent; and the promise was then made, in the fall, for ME to die for the transgression of man, to cast out the devil, that betrayed the woman, which appeared in the form of a serpent at first; and know I have told thee, the time is at


hand that I am coming to free the fall, and bring in the redemption of man; and I have already told thee, from the subtlety of the devil, how he would work another way, as he worked in my Gospel, to bring the fall of man like the fall of the angels, to worship him for the great power he would have told them he was invested with; and what honour and power he would give to men, if they would fall down and worship him. And therefore the fall of Adam is not so dangerous to the human race, as is now supposed by men.

's fall,

"But I shall answer thee of * as thou sayest he obeyed in part; and stood stedfast till thy writings went out by him. His fall is from that honour he would have gained from God and man, had he stood stedfast to the end of thy calling.

"And now discern in what manner he hath acted where he stands on conditions.

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"Here let men discern he stood on conditions: and, like the inquiry made of him, perfectly so hath been his conduct; because, thou knowest, like the Jews of old, he kept back the seals that were put in his hands. But now I ask thee, what seals were put in his hands at that time, for him to deliver up? For, thou knowest, this was but the second letter I ordered thee to send to him, in 1796, after he had contended with thee in ******'s house, concerning the Marriage of

the Lamb; so that this prophecy was then sent him, of what he would do, if, like Adam, he fell back. And let men discern in what manner he tried to bribe the keepers of the knowledge of the truth; not with money, but with words, every way to work upon thy feelings, and the feelings of ****** likewise, to gain his end, thinking the truth should not be known; but now discern, the keepers here could not be bribed; because the truths that were known to thee, known to ******, and to others, I ordered should be brought forward and made public, while the witnesses were living. But now I ask thee, if these things could be brought forward, to be clearly pointed out to men after his death, if they had not been brought forward and proved by his life? Therefore, let no one marvel that I called forward thy trial, to have the witnesses appear, while he was living; and ordered thee not to wait till thy trial was called forward by thy enemies. Let men discern in what manner thy trial stands between him and thee; so that, in the end, men of wisdom will clearly discern how the light shined in darkness, when his eyes were dazzled that he could not see the light. But here let men observe in what manner I placed ******* with thee at first, as one man to be a helper with thee, to bring the work to light; and know what I told thee the likeness would be in the end: for as Adam and Eve were placed together temporally; so, in a spiritual sense, I placed ******* and thee together: and know, my promises were made great to the man, if he stood stedfast till every truth was tried and proved; to stand with thee, and by thee; but hadst thou understood the meaning of these words.

Page 60.

"As was the first, so is the last;
For Adam stood alone.


His helpmate did not strengthen him,
But surely pull'd him down ;
So would thy friends have done by thee,
If thou hadst them obey'd;

But now the woman's conquering seed
Shall bruise the serpent's head."

"Hadst thou understood the meaning of the words, and the manner he was placed as one man alone, a helper with thee, thou wouldest have discerned, that when the fall was reversed, the man would act at the last as Eve acted at the first; for though he strengthend thee for a while; yet, when temptations came strongly upon him, he would surely have pulled thee down, if thou hadst obeyed his command, to conceal his name, concealed the letters put in his hands, to leave him quite out of the question. How couldest thou then prove to the world that the events of years had been put into the hands of the ministers, if thou hadst concealed who they were? Would not the world have judged thee an impostor, and a deceiver of mankind? Which way couldest thou clear thyself? Which way couldest thou clear my wisdom, by ordering thee to put letters in the hands of the ministers, to prove the events had been put in their hands, which had been fulfilled, before I ordered thee to publish to the world of events, that were hastening on, that they might judge of what was to come, from the truth of the past that had taken place? But how could this be tried and proved, if thou hadst acted according to *******s wisdom? But now

let men discern how I have bruised Satan's head that he cannot conquer thee; for it was I the Lord that kept thee from falling: and as I have begun I shall go on, till I shall bruise his head from all.

First Book of Sealed Prophecies, page 12, given

in 1796.

"Unto the world thou art unknown;
But not unknown to ME:

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But when the debt he did demand,
The grave hath paid the first.
Then as the grave bath paid the one,
That to my friend was given;
Let all the seals come to his hand,
I'll surely pay the seven.

But if he says he knows my name,
Then on my words rely:

I'll never put my friends to shame,
But every debt I'll pay.

But as to thee, thou dost not know;

Thou art a stranger there;
But keep my memory in view-

Will he deny me here?

Then all the goods I'll surely leave,

If credit I have none;

And to another house I'll cleave-
The gold is still my own.
So perfect like thy dream I'll do:
Thou art unknown to man;
But unto ME it can never be;

Thy nature, nor thy name."

"I shall answer thee from these words:

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"Here let men discern in what manner I have spoken of the debt of trust put into his hands, for him to act faithfully to his trust, to prove the truth, for thee, or against thee; but when he demanded to know the truth, the bishop's death proved the first; then discern what is said further: as the grave paid the one, the seals should be put into his hands; and in like manner should the seven be paid. But this is a mystery thou dost

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