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THESE WONDERS first began to me from the account of the sudden death of the Rev. Mr. Pomeroy, vicar of Bodmin, which was stated in the London papers.

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After that I received two letters, one from Plymouth Dock, dated August 23, 1813, with the following account, copied from the West Briton, or Truro Advertiser. "Melancholy event.-On Tuesday last, the 17th, when the judges, &c. had proceeded in order to Bodmin church, to attend divine worship, previously to commencing the business of the assizes, they were detained for nearly a quarter of an hour by the Rev. Mr. Pomeroy, vicar of Bodmin, who was to read service, not being ready. When he came into the church there appeared something hurried in his manner; as he opened the prayerbook, he said to the Rev. Mr. Kendel, the sheriff's chaplain, I fear I shall not be able to go through the service; will you assist me?' Mr. Kendel politely offered to take the whole duty; and as Mr. Pomeroy was taking off his surplice, for Mr. Kendel, he staggered, and would have fallen, had not Mr. Kendel caught him in his arms. He was immediately conveyed to his house, and medical assistance procured; but unfortunately it was only to ascertain that he had expired."

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The above account was confirmed by another letter I received from Exeter, of the death of the Rev. Mr. Pomeroy; and for whom I felt great concern and sorrow, which the readers will soon find why I should be so grieved for him, if this book should fall into the hands strangers.

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