put it out of their power to bring on thy death, as they did mine. "And now come to the blasphemy, which thou hast heard to have been spoken by men." From letters we have received from different places, in the country, we learn that some have received the last book with joy; others have said, that if I am with child, it is by the devil, and it is the devil's son; others have used very obscene language, which I shall not repeat, but give the answer of the Spirit to their blasphemy, "From the judgment of such men, God and man must both stand silent to the wisdom, knowledge, and power of the devil, in the manner all this is brought round; but I shall let such brutish men to know that they have placed their selves upon a level with the devil. For I ask them, how can MAN be superior to the devil, in a likeness of his CREATOR, to be formed a CREATIVE BEING, whom the WOMAN was prepared for, to have the works which the LORD had created to increase by, if Satan was a CREATIVE BEING, like MAN? I ask them, what they judge of their CREATOR, to form a wOMAN for Satan's pleasure? No woman would ever have been created, if Satan had a power, either like God or man, to be a creative being of children. This is out of Satan's power: but he is the corrupter of children, by temptations; and he is the tempter of men, to tempt them to every vice, and every evil; and, by temptations, he entereth into the heart; yet he hath no power to enter into the womb, to create children." When the above was written, I was seized with a violent sickness, and felt as if I was dying, for a short time, but recovered.-I was answered, that my sickness was to shew what the Lord would do to such men, if this blasphemy went on; for the Lord would make them 'sick unto death; that they should die of their sickness, and the Lord would send them unto their master, which is the devil, who would soon convince them that he could not be a creative being; for if that was in his power, he would soon destroy the race of men, to have the women all his own. 1. "But I now tell thee, this is the sin against the HOLY GHOST, that I said should never be forgiven; for I now tell thee and all mankind, it is the greatest sin that can be committed by man, to say that the devil hath the power to be the creator of children. Let them look to all the crimes he hath tempted men and women to do, who are led away by his temptations; and let them look to those poor creatures who have lost their senses, through his temptations and influence; and how, in various ways, he hath shewn his power over the human race; then let such madmen and fools know, if Satan had power to create children, he would soon have brought in a race of devils, and claimed the kingdom all his own. So here let such fools see their folly, or they will see it when it is too late. But now let men of wisdom see in what manner this is brought round, to prove the truth of the Scriptures, which I have ordered thee to bring together, and shewn thee that this must be, to fulfil them; and this I have warned of throughout, thy writings; but in a manner not understood. Let them look through The Strange Effects of Faith, and they will find that it was all foretold."-See pages 86 and 87. Page 119." If I bring them to the manger, Will they now the BABE despise ? If they do not, I do tell them Page 151.-" And now act wise: "if she disguise, "But if from heaven the sound is given, "The Prophets knew not what they said, Now I'll explain what I do mean; What was the FULNESS of the TIME: "This Prophecy is plain to be understood, printed in 1801. And now they can easily find out the cheat, if any deceit is practised by thee. And let them see the beginning of the words, in page 150. "So she and I the cause will try, And let the stars appear, letters I ordered Strange Effects I ordered thee sealed with J. "And here I have told thee the SECOND STAR will appear. Now come to the thee to send out in May, 1802. of Faith, Eighth Part, page 100. to send out one thousand letters, C. and the two stars, to the Parliament, to free Brothers from prison, as a sign that he should be freed by man; for he was not the character he mentioned; and therefore would never be deltvered by any power from the Lord; only by working in the hearts of men to deliver him. But the character he spoke of, of delivering the Jews will never be in a mere man; but now, I have told thee, by my power I shall raise up their DELIVERER unto them that now believe. But know I speak of things to come, from types and shadows, as though they were the substance; and therefore I said Such a May was never seen by man; The SECOND STAR is sent throughout your land, And I'm rejected now, I say, take care.” "Now I shall answer thee from this type and this shadow. The seal is nothing, being sent through the land; but now the time is come, that I have told thee, this May thou wilt feel the LIFE of the CHILD within thee, that will be announced throughout the land. For as I spoke of May, in May it will be; and then they will see, from the shadow, what the substance meaneth, of the SECOND STAR, and my SECOND COMING; and as I told thee that my harvest was fast approach. ing, so they will find, before the ensuing harvest is ended, that the Son whom I have warned thee of will be born, who is now despised and rejected by men, letters returned with scorn and contempt. So now I warn them one and all, if this scorn and this contempt go on; then they may say, the harvest is over, the day is ended, and we are not saved: like the foolish virgins they will come too late, if they reject the warning in May. But, on the other hand, the joy of believers; their joy will increase, like the joy of harvest; for it will come to what I told thee in ninety-two, when thou wast at thy sister's house, in the time of harvest, and the reapers were rejoicing at the end of the harvest-day, with songs of mirth, which, from my visitation to thee, thou couldest not bear to hear the singing of songs; but know I told thee to mark the next, and I should spiritualize it to thee; which was. "Britons, to arm yourselves prepare ; "For every foe shall fall before them; therefore I said "If England did but awake, and come to perfect day, The sun shine here they'll see." "And now call further to thy remembrance of the harvest day: as it was on a Saturday, when it was drawing to near midnight, that thy Sister wished them to sing Psalms instead of Songs, which was complied with by all; and the first that was sung was Psalm, xcv. "O come, loud anthems let us sing, To thank him for his favours past; The praise that to his Name belongs." "As soon as this was begun, remember the sudden joy thou didst feel in thy heart, when thou heardst the Psalm sung, according to the manner of my visitation to thee: and know, the hundredth Psalm was sung "With one consent, let all the earth To God their cheerful voices raise." "These things I have called to thy remembrance, what types and shadows I ordered thee to mark, from the harvest of ninety-two, when I first visited thee by the Spirit of Prophecy; and that the believers may see how I have brought this round, for their rejoicing to be in the time of harvest. Now let them weigh deeply the 102d page of the same book, and then they may see how plainly I spoke that this would be the end "Because the C doth with the STAR appear, And all shall know my chariot wheels are near; |