(m) A prophetic hymn upon the Messiah, written by David. It is clearly so considered by our Saviour, in his conversation with the Pharisees, (Matt. xxii. 41 to 45.-Mark xii. 35 to 37. and Luke xx. 41 to 44.) "Jesus asked them, "What "think ye of Christ? whose son is he? They say unto him, The son of David. "He saith unto them, How then doth "David in spirit" (under the influence of inspiration) call him, Lord, saying, "The Lord said unto my lord, Sit thou on "my right hand, till I make thine enemies "thy footstool?" If David then call him, "Lord, how is he is son ?" So St. Peter, in his address on the day the apostles received the gift of the Holy Ghost, (Acts xxii. 34.) evidently treats it as written by David, and as applying to the Messiah: "David is not ascended into the heavens, "but he saith himself, "The Lord said unto my lord, Sit thou on my right hand, "until I make thy foes thy footstool." Again, in the passage, Heb. i. 13. " to "which of the angels said he at any "time, Sit on my right hand, until I "make thine enemies thy footstool," it is evident the author must have considered it as written of the Messiah. And the expression in verse 4. "thou art a priest "for ever after the order of Melchize"dek," is repeatedly in the Hebrews considered as applying to the Messiah. Heb. v. 6. 10. — vi. 20. — vii. 21. Justin M. considers it as clear that it was written prophetically of the Messiah, Dial. cum Tryphone, 250, 251. 309.; and so does Dr. Graves, Graves's Trinity, 40. It is one of the Psalms for Christmas Day. cr See (n) v. 1. "The Lord," i. e. "God the "Father." Hebr. "Jehovah." Sept. & Κύριος. 3. In the day of thy power shall the (v) people offer thee free-will offerings with an holy worship: the dew (w) of thy birth is of the womb of the morning. 4. The (9) Lord sware, and will not repent : "Thou art a "priest for ever after the order (a) "of Melchisedech." 10. "The Lord, the Father of my Lord," is represented as invoked. (p) "Until, &c." St. Paul refers to this passage, 1 Cor. xv. 25. "Then com"eth the end; when he" (i. e. Christ) "shall have delivered up the kingdom to "God, even the Father; when he shall "have put down all rule, and all authority "and power; for he must reign till he "hath put all enemies under his feet." (g) v. 2. 4. "The Lord," i. e. "God "the Father." Hebr. "Jehovah." (r) "Rod" or "sceptre;"" the symbol "of royalty. Jerome." have (s) "Of Sion." So Ps. ii. 6. " yet "I set my king upon my holy hill of Sion:" and Isaiah ii. 3. "out of Sion shall go "forth the law, and the word of the Lord "from Jerusalem." (t) v. 2. 5, 6. "Ruler, &c." The extent of his dominion, and the severity of his vengeance, is also foretold, Ps. ii. 8, 9. "Desire of me, and I shall give thee the "heathen for thine inheritance, and the "utmost parts of the earth for thy pos"session. Thou shalt bruise them with a "rod of iron, and break them in pieces "like a potter's vessel." (u) The midst, &c." so complete shall be thy sway. See Ps. xlv. 6. It is not impossible this may look forward to the destruction of Jerusalem. (v) v. 3. "The people," i. e. (probably) "the Gentiles." (w) The dew, &c." i. e. (says Bishop Horne) "Thy children" (those who shall entitle themselves to that appellation) "shall exceed in number brightness and "beauty, the spangles of the morning "dew." (x) v. 4. "Of Melchisedech," not of Aaron, whose priesthood originated from the Mosaic institutions, and would end with them, and was confined to the IsraelIn Ecclus. li.ites, but of Melchisedech, who was long (o)" My Lord," i. e. "the Messiah." Hebr. "Adonai." See ante, 254. note on Ps. ii. 4. Sept. 7 Kupiq μs. 5. The Lord (y) upon thy (2) right hand : shall wound even (a) kings in the day of his wrath. 6. He shall judge among the heathen, he shall fill (b) the places with the dead bodies: and smite in sunder the heads over divers countries. 7. He shall drink of the brook (c) in the way therefore shall he lift up his head. Psalm cxi. (d) I WILL give thanks unto the Lord with my whole heart secretly (e) among the faithful, and in the congregation. (g) before Aaron's time, being contemporary with Abraham. See Gen. xiv. 18, 19. The meaning probably is, "Thou shalt "be a priest, not for a limited time, as "the priests of the order of Aaron, but "for ever; not for one nation only, but "for every people and language that shall "look up to thee. And as it belonged to "the priest's office to offer sacrifice and "to intercede for and bless the people, "thou shalt offer up for them an all-suffi"cient sacrifice, thou shalt make inter"cession for them to the end of time, "and shalt confer upon them God's bless"ing." 66 (y) v. 5." The Lord upon thy right "hand," i. e. "the Messiah, he who is "ordered by the Father, in verse 1. to "sit at his right hand." Hebr. "Adonai." (z) Thy," i. e. "God the Father's." Though the Psalmist, in the three preceding verses, was addressing the Son, he appears here to turn to the Father. Bp. Horne. (a)" Even kings;" the very highest shall not be able to withstand or escape. (b) v. 6. “ Fill, &c." so great shall be 2. The works of the Lord are great sought out (h) of all them that have pleasure therein. 3. His work is worthy to be praised and had in honour and his righteousness endureth for ever. 4. The merciful and gracious Lord hath so done his marvellous works that they ought to be had in remembrance. 5. He hath given (i) meat unto them that fear him he shall ever be mindful of his covenant. (k) 6. He hath shewed his people the power of his works that he brews, introduction, p. xxxviii. The same idea, probably, as Phil. ii. 8, 9. (ante, 102.) "He humbled himself, and became obe"dient unto death, even the death of the cross, wherefore God also hath highly "exalted him, and given him a Name "which is above every Name, &c." (d) An alphabetical Psalm, consisting of twenty-two sentences, each beginning with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet, in regular succession. It is one of the proper Psalms for Easter Day. From calling into recollection the works of God and what he had done for his people; and, perhaps, looking forward prophetically to the Christian covenant and blessings, it presses the duty of making God the object of veneration and worship. (e) v. 1. "Secretly, &c." i. e. "both "in private and in public.' (g) "The congregation," i. e. "the "great religious assembly of the Jews." Ante, Ps. xxii. 25. (h) v. 2. "Sought out," i. e. "indus"triously inquired into and looked after." In Ps. xxviii. 5, 6. and Isaiah v. 12. it is an imputation "not to regard the work of "the Lord, nor consider the operation of "his hands." (i) v. 5. "Given," referring, probably, to the miraculous supply of food in the wilderness; a type of the spiritual supply Christ would give. (k)" His covenant," i. e. either, “what"ever he promises," without referring to any particular engagement; or it might allude to the promise to Abraham to give may give ( them the (m) heritage of the heathen. 7. The works of his hands are verity (n) and judgement: all his commandments (o) are true. (p) 8. They stand fast for ever and ever and are done in truth and equity. 9. He sent redemption (9) unto his people he hath commanded his covenant (r) for ever: holy and reverend is his Name. 10. The fear (s) of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom a good understanding have all they that do thereafter; the praise of it endureth for ever. Psalm cxii. (t) BLESSED is the man that feareth the Lord he hath great delight in his commandments. 2. His (u) seed shall be mighty upon earth the generation of the faithful shall be blessed. them the land of Canaan, (see Ps. cv. 9. 11.) and might leave it to be inferred from the fulfilment of that promise, that every other would also be performed. () v. 6. "That he may give," or "in "giving." (m)" The heritage, &c." i. e. (perhaps) "the land of Canaan." (n) v. 7. "Verity and judgment," i. e. right and just; will bear the strictest "scrutiny; will answer any test." Even the driving out the Canaanites was perfectly consistent with justice; it was for their wickedness that they were driven out, (Deut. ix. 5.): and God forbore to drive them out until their " iniquity was full." See Gen. xv. 16. (o)" Commandments," or "orderings," "dispensations." (p)" True," i. e. "correct," "proper." (q) v. 9. "Redemption," i. e. (probably) "by delivering them from the Egyptian "bondage, a type of the greater deliver"ance, through Christ, from the bondage " of sin." (r) "For ever," perhaps, referring 3. Riches and plenteousness shall be in his house and his righteousness endureth for ever. 4. Unto the godly there ariseth up light in the darkness (): he is merciful, loving, and righteous. 5. A good man is merciful, and lendeth and will guide his words with discretion. 6. For he shall never be moved: and the righteous shall be had in everlasting remembrance. 7. He will not be afraid of any evil tidings for his heart standeth fast, and believeth in the Lord. 8. His heart is established, and will not shrink: until he see his desire upon his enemies. 9. He hath dispersed abroad (y), and given to the poor and his righteousness (2) remaineth for ever; his horn shall be exalted with honour. 10. The ungodly shall see it, and it shall grieve him he shall prophetically to the Christian dispensation, to that kingdom which should stand for ever, and should never be destroyed. (s) v. 10. "The fear, &c." So Job xxviii. 28. "Behold, the fear of the Lord, "that is wisdom, and to depart from evil "is understanding." See also Prov. i. 7. -ix. 10. (t) On the blessings (even in this world) of the good. Another alphabetical Psalm. (u) v. 2. "His seed, &c." So that the righteousness of the father shall bring down blessings upon the son. (x) v. 4. Light in the darkness," i. e. "comfort in adversity; safety in times of "peril." See Ps. xci. (y) v. 9. "Dispersed abroad," i. e. (probably)" distributed extensively to those "in need." St. Paul refers to this passage (2 Cor. ix. 9.) when he is pressing the Corinthian converts to contribute liberally to their poorer brethren. "the me(z) "Righteousness," i. e. "rit of his bounty." 3. Hamım. 3.- Locke 186. D D (a) A spirited invocation to the praise of God for his high pre-eminence, and for his condescension at the same time to the affairs of men. This, and the five following Psalms, were used by the Jews on the Paschal night, after they had eaten the paschal lamb. See ante, 108. note on Mark xiv. 1. It is with us one of the proper Psalms for Easter Day. (b) v. 3. "The rising, &c." i. e. " from "one end of heaven to the other, from "east to west;" one of the many instances of the figurative language of Hebrew poetry! The same expression occurs, Ps. 1. 1., and in Mal. xi. " from "the rising of the sun, even unto the going down of the same, my name shall be "great among the Gentiles." So Isaiah lix. 19. "They shall fear the name of the 5. Who is like unto the Lord our God, that hath his dwelling so high and yet humbleth himself to behold the things that are in heaven and earth? 6. (c) He taketh up the simple out of the dust and lifteth the poor out of the mire; 7. That he may set him with the princes: even with the princes of his people. 8. He maketh the barren woman to keep house (d) and to be a joyful mother of children. "Lord from the west, and his glory from "the rising of the sun." (c) v. 6. Like the passage in Hannah's song of praise for the birth of Samuel (1 Šam. ii. 8.): “He raiseth up the poor "out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar "from the dunghill, to set them amongst "princes, and to make them inherit the "throne of glory." (d) v. 8. "To keep house," i. e. " to "be the head of a family:" "to have a "house," i. e. "children of her own, to "keep." Hannah's thanksgiving was, because she had a child after she had been long barren; and "building a house" is a common expression for having a family. See Exod. i. 21.- Deuter. xxv. 9.-Ruth iv. 11. See also Ps. cxxvii. 1. Lessons for the Twenty-third Day of the Month throughout the Year. Lessons for the Twenty-third Day of the Month, continued. (g) v. 2. "His," i. e. "God's." the Spectator (No. 461.) the force and beauty of concealing God's name until the 7th verse is pointed out. It is left in some degree of doubt whose sanctuary and dominion Judah and Israel were, and why the sea fled, &c. until the 7th verse, and then it is at once accounted for by God's presence. (h) His sanctuary," "his dominion," i. e. "God was constantly with Judah, as though it had been his sanctuary or "temple, and protected Israel as though "they had been peculiarly the people of "his kingdom." In the passage through the Red Sea, "the Lord went before "the people by day in a pillar of a cloud "to lead them the way, and by night in a "pillar of fire to give them light, Exod. "xiii. 21.—xiv. 19, 20. ;" and when they were afterwards directed to make a tabernacle, and to put the ark therein, the glory of the Lord from time to time filled the tabernacle, and "the cloud of the "Lord was upon the tabernacle by day, "and fire was on it by night, in the sight "of all the house of Israel, throughout ary (h) and Israel his domi nion. 3. The and fled back. sea (i) saw that, Jordan (k) was driven 4. The mountains (1) skip "all their journies, Exod. xl. 2. 34. 38." Well therefore might it be said that Judah was "his sanctuary, and Israel his do"minion." (i) v. 3. "The sea, &c." Alluding to the sea's dividing, when the Israelites were pursued by Pharoah, and passed through as on dry land. (k) Jordan, &c." About forty years after the passage through the Red Sea, God thought fit to magnify Joshua in the sight of all Israel, that they might know that as God had been with Moses, so would he be with Joshua; and by God's directions Joshua told the people, that as soon as the soles of the feet of the priests that bare the ark of the Lord should rest in the waters of Jordan, the waters that came down the river Jordan should be cut off from the rest of the river, and stand on a heap; and it came to pass, that as soon as the feet of the priests that bare the ark were dipped in the brim of the water, the waters which came down the river rose up upon a heap, and the priests stood firm on dry ground in the midst of Jordan, and all the Israelites passed over on dry ground. Josh. iii. 7 to 17. 66 () v. 4. "The mountains, &c." This may refer to God's descent upon mount Sinai, shortly after the passage through the Red Sea, when the Lord "descended upon it in fire, and the smoke thereof "ascended as the smoke of a furnace, "and the whole mount quaked greatly, "Exod. xix. 18." |