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(a) Note. - According to the Form of Prayer appointed for this Day, there are proper Lessons in the Morning. Sam. ii. 19. verse 9. or Numb. xvi. St. Jude.

[blocks in formation]

Acts 3

Ecclus. 19


Luke 12

Prov. 10

29 e St. Peter, Ap.

Ecclus. 15

Acts 4

30 f

Prov. 9

Ephes. 6


[blocks in formation]

31 b

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

10 e

11 f

12 g

13 A

14 b

15 c

16 d

17 e

18 f

19 g

20 A

21 b

22 c

23 d

24 e St. Bartholomew

25 f

26 g

27 A

28 b

29 c

30 d

31 e

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
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