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1st. Prophecies in the Old Testament referred to.

2nd. Prophecies in the New Testament referred to.

3d. Miracles and Observations thereon.

4th. Conduct and Works of the Apostles, and Observations


5th. Miscellaneous Observations.

6th. On the Pre-existence and Divinity of Christ.


That he should be born at Bethlehem.

(Mic. v. 2.) page 58. (g)

That he should be a prophet like unto
Moses. (Deuter. xviii. 15. 18.) 38. (y)
That he should be lowly. (Zech. ix. 9,
10.) p. 29, 30. (p)

That he should preach good tidings unto
the meek. (Is. lxi. 1.) p. 36. (n)
That in his time the eyes of the blind
should be opened, and the ears of the
deaf unstopped, &c. (Is. xxxv. 4 to 6.)
p. 36. (n)

That he should judge the poor with

righteousness, and condemn the wicked.

(Is. xi. 1 to 5.) 236. (c) - 343. (x)

That he should be treated with ignominy

and contempt. (Is. 1. 6. - liii. 3.) p. 113.


That he should have gall to eat, and vi-

negar to drink. (Ps. lxix. 22.) p. 104.


That his hands and his feet should be
pierced. (Ps. xxii. 17, 18.) p. 104. (h)
132. (n) and see 133. (z)

That he should be laughed to scorn, and
have his trust in God cast in his teeth.
(Ps. xxii. 7, 8.) p. 105. (l)

That he should be numbered with the
transgressors, (Is. liii. 12.) p. 120. (g)

And make his grave with the wicked.

(Is. liii. 9.)

That he should nevertheless be with the
rich in his death. (Isaiah liii. 9.)

That not a bone of him should be broken.

(Exod. xii. 46. - Numb. ix. 12.) p. 133.

(y) - 293. (h)

And that he should not be suffered to see
corruption. (Ps. xvi. 11.) p. 141. (h)

That it was for man's sins he suffered, and

by his chastisement we are healed.

(Is. liii. 5.)

That a kingdom is given him, that all
people, nations, and languages shall
serve him, and that his dominion shall
last for ever and ever. (Dan. vii. 14.
Zech. ix. 10. - Is. ix. 6, 7.) page 32. (p)
- 101. (e) - 254. (9) – 371. (το)

That his dominion should be from the one
sea to the other, that all kings should
fall down before him, all nations should
do him service. (Ps. lxxii. 8. 11. —
Zech. ix. 10.) p. 309. (a) - 344. (d)

II. Prophecies in the New Testament
referred to.

That our Saviour should be betrayed.
109. (0) - 119. (t)

That Peter should deny him. p.



That his disciples should forsake him.
p. 110.

Of his death. p. 83. — 153. (e)
And resurrection. p. 83. (z) - 110. — 135.
153. (e)


Of the gift of the Holy Ghost. p. 162.
164. 167.-168.

Of the sufferings his followers should un-
dergo. p. 165.

Of the powers they should possess.
p. 163. (z)

Of the vengeance that should follow after
his death. p. 32. (0) - 75, 76. — 125.

Of the time within which it should occur.
p. 33. (s) - 46. (s) - 48. (1)

Of the discrimination there should be be-
tween his followers and opponents.
p. 76. (t)

Of the future success of Christianity.
p. 190. (y) - 218.

III. Miracles, and Observations thereon.
Miracles of the loaves. p. 96. (п) — 193.
(y) (z)

the draught of fishes. p. 187. (d)
turning water into wine. p. 62.
calming the sea. p. 68. (y)
sending devils into swine. p. 68.
casting out a devil from the daughter

of a Canaanitish woman. p. 91.
healing a deaf and dumb man. p. 204.
healing a leper. p. 63.

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Raising to life a widow's son. page 213. (z)
conferring the Holy Ghost. p. 166.
(t) (z) - 169.
releasing Peter from prison. p. 188.

Enumeration of our Saviour's miracles.
p. 156. (m)

Authenticity of the accounts thereof.

p. 35. (m) - 68. (y)
Correspondence thereof with former pro-
phecies. p. 36. (n)

Nature and publicity thereof. p. 84. (e) -
96. (m) (n) - 139. (d) (g) - 222. (q)
Absurdity and sin of imputing them to the
power of Satan. p. 93. (6)

On the evidence they furnish. p. 35. (m)
- 156. (m)

IV. Conduct and Works of the Apostles,
and Observations thereon.

On the conduct and character of John the
Baptist. p. 39. (d)

On the conduct of Judas. p. 102. (и)

On the ignorance of the Apostles as to
the nature of Christ's kingdom. p. 143.
(t) - 153. (6) — 158. (e) — 162. (t)


On their desertion of Christ, and subse-
quent zeal. p. 40. (1) - 112. (6) -153. (2)
On their intrepidity after the ascension.

p. 40. (1) - 87. (t)


On their exertions. p. 163. (и) — 179. (c)
On the extent to which they taught.
р. 163. (и) - 179. (c) — 234. (m)
On their sufferings. p. 65. (6) — 79. (9)
148. (c) - 195. (p)


On the powers they possessed. p. 157. (0)
201. (d) - 208. (p) - 216. (d)
On the gift of tongues. p. 166. (z) —
171. (z)

On their conduct in advancing God's
glory, not their own. p. 34. (t)

On the testimony they bore to the resur-
rection. p. 139. (g) - 141.

On their expectations as to the time
called, " the coming," or "day of the
"Lord." p. 28. (g) - 469. (6)

On the conversion of St. Paul. p. 65. (a)
On his conduct.

On his exertions and sufferings. p. 79. (q)
- 215. (n)

On his opposition to the Jewish prejudices,
and decrying the Mosaic law. p. 204.
(d), (e), (g) - 211. (6)

V. Miscellaneous Observations.

On the internal evidence of Christianity.
p. 27. (6) -61. (6) — 192. (1) - 209. (k)
233. (i)

Sin, the cause of disbelief. p. 215. (p)

Sin of destroying the faith of others.
page 219.

Authenticity of the five books of Moses.
р. 54. (y) - 98. (e)


Old Testament. p. 98.

(e) 142. (r)
On the nature and efficacy of Christ's sa-
crifice. p. 47. (c) - 52. (p) - 148. (h)
-169.(1)-170. (0) -191. (6) - 365. (0)

On the caution of Christ. p. 189. (g)

On the expectation of his coming. p. 35.

(1) - 38. (y) - 69. (1) - 71. (9)

VI. On the Pre-existence and Divinity of


Of his pre-existence. p. 15. (n) — 161.

(k) - 175. (c)

ascribed to him. p. 231. (a)

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Table of the Parts of Scripture occurring in the Prayer Book.

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Joel ii.

12 to 17

Mal. iii.

1 to 5

Matt. i.

18 to 25

69 Matt. vi.


24 to 34

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