SECT. I. That the general Period of human 87 93 SECT. IV. What Ufe to make of the Shortnefs of human Life, 105 SECT. V. The Time, and Manner, and Circumstances of every particular Man's Death, are not determined by an abfolute and unconditional Decree, 119 SECT. VI. The particular Time when we are to die is unknown and uncertain to us, 126 SECT. VII. That we must die but once, or that Death tranflates us to an unchangeable State; with the Improvement of it. CHA P. IV. 151 то Dr. SHERLOCK, ON. His Discourse concerning DEATH. VORGIVE the Mufe, who in unhallow'd Strains, F For fure whate'er you do, where'er you are, "Tis all but one good Work, one conftant Pray'r.. Forgive her; and intreat that Go D, to whom Thy favour'd Vows with kind Acceptance come, To raise her Notes to that fublime Degree, That fuits a Song of Piety and Thee. Wondrous good Man! whofe Labours may repel Thee Youth fhall ftudy; and no more engage Decrepit Age fhall read thee, and confefs Thy Labours can affwage, where Med'cines ceafe: } Thy Thy even Thoughts with fo much Plainnefs flow, Ón its bleft Steps each Age and Sex may rise : To its laft Height mad Britain's Guilt was rear'd; O! fave us ftill, ftill blefs us with thy Stay; Then in full Age, and hoary Holiness, A Practical 'A Practical Difcourfe CONCERNING DEATH. HE B. IX. 27. T The INTRODUCTION. HERE is not a more effectual Way to revive the true Spirit of Chriftianity in the World, than ferioufly to meditate on what we commonly call the Four laft THINGS, Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell; for it is morally impoffible Men fhould live fuch careless Lives, fhould fo wholly devote themselves to this World, and the Service of their Lufts; fhould either caft off the Fear of God, and all Reverence for his Laws, . to fatisfy themselves with fome cold and formal Devotions, were they poffeffed with a warm and conftant Senfe of thefe Things. For what manner of Men ought we to be, who know that we must fhortly die, and come to Judgment, and receive according to what we have done in this World, whether it be good or evil, either eternal Rewards in the Kingdom of Heaven, or eternal Punishments with the Devil and his Angels? That which firft prefents itself to our Thoughts, and shall be the Subject of this following Treatife, is DEATH; a very terrible Thing, the very naming of which is apt to chill our Blood and Spirits, and to draw a dark Veilover all the Glories of this Life. And yet this is the Condition of all Mankind, we muft as furely die, as we are born: For it is appointed unto Men once to die. This is not the original Law of our Nature; for though Man was made of the Duft of the Earth, and therefore was by Nature mortal; (for that which is made of Dust is by Nature corruptible, and may be refolved into Duft again) yet had he not finned, he should never have died; he should have been immortal by Grace, and therefore had the Sacrament of Immortality, the Tree of Life, planted in Paradife : But now by Man Sin entred into the World, and Death by Sin; and fo Death paffed upon all Men, for that all have finned, Rom. v. 12. And thus it is decreed and appointed by God, by an irreversible Sentence, Duft thou art, and unto Duft thou shalt return. Now to improve this Meditation to the best Advantage, I fhall, 1. Confider what Death is, and what Wisdom that fhould teach us. 2. The Certainty of our Death, That it is appointed unto Men once to die. 3. The Time of our Death; it must be |