A Companion to Greek TragedyJohn Wiley & Sons, 16 sept. 2005 - 576 pages The Blackwell Companion to Greek Tragedy provides readers with a fundamental grounding in Greek tragedy, and also introduces them to the various methodologies and the lively critical dialogue that characterize the study of Greek tragedy today.
Table des matières
Myth | 121 |
Beginnings and Endings | 136 |
Lyric | 149 |
Episodes | 167 |
Music | 183 |
Theatrical Production | 194 |
Aeschylean Tragedy | 215 |
Sophoclean Tragedy | 233 |
Authority Figures | 333 |
Womens Voices | 352 |
Marginal Figures | 366 |
Text and Transmission | 379 |
Ancient Responses | 394 |
Greek Tragedy in Rome | 413 |
Italian Reception of Greek Tragedy | 428 |
Nietzsche on Greek Tragedy and the Tragic | 444 |
Euripidean Tragedy | 251 |
A Survey | 271 |
Tragedy and Anthropology | 293 |
Values | 305 |
The Gods | 321 |
Greek Tragedy and Western Perceptions of Actors | 459 |
The Theater of Innumerable Faces | 472 |
Rendering Ancient | 490 |
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Expressions et termes fréquents
Achilles action actors Aeschylean Aeschylus Agamemnon Ajax Alcestis ancient Andromache Antigone Apollo Aristophanes Aristotle Aristotle's Athenian Athens audience authority Bacchae century chapter characters choral chorus classical Clytemnestra comedy contemporary context contrast Creon cult cultural death debate Dionysia Dionysus dithyramb divine drama Electra emotional epic episode Erinyes ethical Eumenides Euripidean Euripides example female festival fifth-century genre gods Greek tragedy Hecuba Helen Heracles hero Hippolytus Homer honor human Iliad Iphigenia killing lament Libation Bearers lyric Medea Menelaus messenger modern moral myth Neoptolemus Nietzsche Nietzsche's Odysseus Oedipus at Colonus Oedipus the King Oresteia Orestes performance Persians Philoctetes Phoenician Women Plato play playwrights plot Poetics poetry poets political prologue rhetoric ritual role satyr-play satyrs scene scholars Seven against Thebes skêné song Sophocles spectators speech stage story Suppliants Taplin Taurians theater theatrical Theseus Thucydides tradition tragedians tragedy's tragic translation trilogy Trojan Women Troy words Zeus