Hymns and spiritual songs, mostly collected from various authors1772 |
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Expressions et termes fréquents
adore Almighty angels Behold bleſs bleſſings bleſt bliſs blood chearful Chriſt croſs crown dear death defire deſcend divine dwell dy'd earth endleſs eternal ev'ry everlasting eyes facred faints faith Father fear fing finners flain fleſh fong fons forrows foul glorious glory goſpel guilt hath heart heav'n heav'nly hell holy honours hope Hosanna Jefus Jeſu's Jeſus king Lamb Lamb of God laſt live Lord mercy mortal muſt o'er peace Pfal Pfalm pleaſure pow'r promiſes Pſalm raiſe Redeemer's reigns rejoice reſt rife righteouſneſs riſe ſacred ſacrifice ſaints ſalvation ſame ſave Saviour ſeas ſee ſeek ſend ſet ſhall ſhew ſhine ſhould ſinful ſing ſkies ſky ſmile ſong ſouls ſov'reign ſpeak ſpirit ſpread ſprings ſtand ſtars ſtate ſtill ſtreams ſuch ſweet taſte thee theſe thine thoſe thou thro throne thy grace thy name thy praiſe thy word tongue truſt truth voice Whoſe wond'rous
Fréquemment cités
Page 32 - See from His head, His hands, His feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down ! Did e'er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown...
Page 191 - BEFORE Jehovah's awful throne, Ye nations, bow with sacred joy ; Know that the Lord is God alone ; He can create, and he destroy.
Page 190 - To pay your thanks and honours there. 4 The Lord is good, the Lord is kind ; Great is his grace, his mercy sure ; And the whole race of man shall find His truth from age to age endure.
Page 114 - But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe : Here, Lord, I give myself away, — 'Tis all that I can do.
Page 245 - JOIN all the glorious names of wisdom, love, and power, that ever mortals knew, that angels ever bore: all are too mean to speak his worth, too mean to set my Saviour forth.
Page 160 - In all his flower and prime. 3 See the vain race of mortals move Like shadows o'er the plain ; They rage and strive, desire and love, But all their noise is vain. 4 Some walk in honour's gaudy show, Some dig for golden ore, They toil for heirs, they know not who, And straight are seen no more.
Page 278 - till time shall end, In memory of your dying friend ; Meet at my table, and record The love of your departed Lord.
Page 189 - While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains Repeat the sounding joy. 3 No more let sins and sorrows grow, Nor thorns infest the ground: He comes to make his blessings flow, Far as the curse is found. 4 He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of his righteousness, And wonders of his love.
Page 210 - Sure I must fight if I would reign ; Increase my courage, Lord ! I'll bear the toil, endure the pain, Supported by Thy word.
Page 159 - For ever firm thy justice stands, As mountains their foundations keep ; Wise are the wonders of thy hands, Thy judgments are a mighty deep.