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duly transmitted to the Bishop by the Rural Deans. The Bishop confirmed the vote of the majority, and acted upon it. It was a regular Synod.

Nor indeed is this a subject unworthy of the deep consideration and grave debate of a more formal Synod than ours was. Few people, except parish Priests who have had constant and lengthened experience in these matters, can understand the importance of fit seasons. The seasons of the natural year, the lengthening evenings, the unusual leisure, interrupted, and that only partially, by the spring sowing, the greater facilities for preparation, all these are subjects well deserving of thought. But far more than people of general education can possibly conceive, depends on the seasons of the spiritual year, which, being thus adapted to the feelings of the catechumens, in the first place are made means of teaching and systems of preparation, and eventually become anniversaries and remembrancers of First Communion, its blessings, its privileges, and its duties.

While these sheets were in the press, the following announcement reached me from the Bishop of Chichester, and as the exhortation to the godfathers and godmothers is so complete a confirmation of my own observations, I have requested permission of his Lordship to publish it.


"On the day and at the church assigned in the scheme below, I purpose, GoD willing, to administer the Holy Rite of Confirmation to such members of your Flock as, being of a suitable1 age, and not having yet been ad

1 Be it observed, the Bishop does not take upon himself to determine

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mitted thereto, you shall then recommend and present to me for the


"Meanwhile, I request that you will read the following Announcement and Exhortation in your church, on one or more Sundays, as you shall judge expedient, after Morning and Evening Prayer.

“I remain,

"Your faithful and affectionate Brother,


"Palace, Chichester, May 24th, 1853.

"Announcement and Exhortation.

"Dearly Beloved Brethren,

"I am directed by the Bishop to give notice, that he will, by GoD's help, be ready to confirm such young persons, and others, of this parish, as shall be duly prepared, on Saturday, the thirteenth day of August, at Westbourne, where they are required to be at eleven o'clock.

"The Bishop further desires, through me, on this occasion, to remind godfathers and godmothers of the obligations they have contracted towards those for whom they answered on the day of their baptism; and the natural parents, likewise, of the obligations they contracted towards those godfathers and godmothers, towards the Church, and towards CHRIST, and the FATHER, and the HOLY SPIRIT, the one ever blessed GOD, when their child was brought to the baptismal font in the Church's faith, acting by the sponsors, and there laid in CHRIST's arms, in the sure trust that He would receive and bless it, as He did those young children who were brought to Him in the days of His flesh upon earth. Those obligations and responsibilities were nothing less than that, each in your sphere, you

what the "suitable age" is-he leaves that to the discretion of the parish Priests.




should look to it that the children baptized 'should be taught, so soon as they should be able to learn, what a solemn vow, promise, and profession' you then made for them in their baptism. A season of Confirmation, then, is a season of inquiry, affecting all the parties before concerned in bringing an infant to baptism. Have you fulfilled the engagements then so solemnly entered into? Have taken care that the children, who, on your presentation of them, were admitted by the Church to baptism, should, by yourselves, or by others, be taught the Creed, the LORD's Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and all other things which a Christian ought to know and believe to his soul's health? And you, who have not yet renewed in your own persons the vows that were then made for you, (that is, who have not yet been confirmed,) have you, as dutiful children, and faithful servants— according to your years-of CHRIST, set yourselves to improve the privileges of your Christian calling, so as to be ready, now that you are of a sufficient age, to renew, with an understanding mind, and a willing heart, the covenant heretofore made for you in the blood of your merciful SAVIOUR? These are the inquiries virtually addressed to a very large number of this congregation by the announcement that a day is appointed on which the young, and others who are duly prepared, may be presented for Confirmation. Them it will be my duty especially to examine and to instruct towards this end. But neither was it fitting that the opportunity should be omitted of calling the serious attention of others to the different degrees in which they too are interested in this event. is an occurrence, indeed, which cannot be viewed with indifference by any faithful member of the congregation; for if true Christians, we must feel that we are all concerned in the spiritual welfare each of the other, as bound together in a holy brotherhood in CHRIST JESUS Our LORD."



The whole of the Old Testament narrative is Typical-Christian Doc-
trines taught by Jewish Types-The narrative of the Exodus The Key
to the Mystery-Egypt-Öriginal Sin-Pharaoh, the Devil-Moses, the

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Leader-The Passover, the Sacrifice-The Red Sea, Baptism-The Pillar
of the Cloud, the HOLY GHOST-Sinai, Confirmation-The Rock and the
Manna, the Eucharist The Overthrowing of the Israelites, the possibility
of the Regenerate falling short-The Jordan, Death-The Ark borne by
the Priests, GoD's Ordinances borne by His appointed Ministers, opens
the passage of it.—(Pp. 51—59.)

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