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as Chrift loved the Church, and gave himself for it. So ought Men to love their Wives, as their own Bodies; be that loveth his Wife loveth himself: For no Man ever yet hated his own Flefb, but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the Church. Eph. v. 25, 28, 29. The Hufband is declared to be the Head of the Wife. Eph. v. 23. And, as fuch, is reprefented as having Authority, but then he should exercise it with great Gentleness and the tendereft Affection; which is admirably expreffed by St. Peter, 1 Pet. iii. 7. Ye Hufbands, dwell with them (i. e. with your Wives) according to Knowledge, giving Honour to the Wife, as to the weaker Veffel, and as being Heirs together of the Grace of Life, that your Prayers be not hindered. On the other Hand it is required of Wives, that they should fubmit themfelves unto their own Hufbands, as it is fit in the Lord. Col. iii. 18. Eph. v. 22. And that they should not ufurp Authority over them. Tim. ii. 12. That they should love their Husbands, and be difcreet, chafie, keepers at Home, good, obedient to their own Hufbands, that the Word of God be not blafphemed. Tit. ii. 4, 5. And it is declared, that the Wife hath not Power of her own Body, but the Hufband; and likewife



alfo the Husband hath not Power of his own Body, but the Wife. 1 Cor .vii. 4.

With regard to the parental and filial Relajion, Parents are obliged to treat their Children in a tender and affectionate Manner, and to exercise a proper Discipline over them, but not too harsh and rigorous; and to take due Care of their Education and Inftruction. This is the Intention of those Precepts: Train up a Child in the Way be fhould go; and, when he is old, he will not depart from it. Prov. xxii. 6. Ye Fathers, provoke not your Children to Wrath, viz. by hard Ufage and immoderate Severity; but bring them up in the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord. Eph. vi. 4. It is reprefented as the Part of Parents to chaften their Children, and to pity them, i. e. to have Compaffion on their Weaknesses and Infirmities. Deut. viii. 5. Pf. ciii. 13. and to lay up, or make fuitable Provision, as far as they are able, for their Children. 2 Cor. xii. 14. And Children are obliged, on their Parts, to honour and reverence their Parents, to receive their good Inftructions, to fubmit to their Difcipline, and not to be refractory and disobedient: A wife San heareth the Inftruction of his Father. Prov. xiii. 1. Children, obey your Parents in the Lord; for this is right. Ho


nour thy Father and Mother, (which is the firft Commandment with Promife) that it may be well with thee, and thou mayeft live long on the Earth. Eph. vi. 1, 2, 3. Let Children learn first to fhew Piety at Home, and requite their Parents, viz. by making the best Returns they are capable of, for their Tenderness and Care, and by affifting and supporting them, to the utmost of their Power, if they should stand in need of it; for this is good and acceptable before God. I Tim. v. 4.

The Divine Law hath alfo provided for fecuring the Rights of Masters and Servants by obliging them to a proper Conduct towards one another: Thou shalt not oppress an hired Servant that is poor and needy- At his Day thou shalt give him his Hire. Deut. xxiv. 14, 15. Mafters, give unto your Servants that which is just and equal, knowing that ye alfo have a Mafter in Heaven. Col. iv. 1. Or, as it is expressed in Eph. vi. 9, Ye Mafters, do the fame Things unto them, i. e. do what is just and right to your Servants, as you would have them deal justly towards you; forbearing Threatening; knowing that your Mafter alfo is in Heaven, neither is there any Refpect of Perfons with him. On the other Hand, the Duty of Servants is thus excellently


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fet forth: Servants, be obedient to them that are your Mafters according to the Flesh, with Fear and Trembling, in Singleness of Heart, as unto Chrift; not with Eye-fervice as Menpleafers, but as the Servants of Christ, doing the Will of God from the Heart; with Good-will doing Service, as to the Lord, and not to Men; knowing that whatsoever good Thing any Man doeth, the fame shall be receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free.Eph. vi. 5, 6, 7, 8. And, again, Servants are required and exhorted to be obedient unto their own Mafters, and to please them well in all Things; not anfwering again, nor purloining, but fhewing all good Fidelity, that they may adorn the Doctrine of God our Saviour in all Things. Tit. ii. 9, 10.

There are also mutual Rights and Obligations arifing from the Relation between Paftors and their Flocks. Paftors are required to feed the Flock of God which is among them, taking the Overfight thereof, not by Conftraint, but willingly; not for filthy Lucre, but of a ready Mind; neither as being Lords over God's Heritage, but being Examples of the Flock. 1 Pet. v. 2, 3. And to watch for their Souls, as they that must give an Account. Heb. xiii. 17. To preach the Word; to be inftant in Seafon, out of Seafon; to reprove, rebuke, exhort,


with all Long-fuffering and Doctrine. 2 Tim. iv. 2. And the People, on their Parts, are required to know them which labour among them, and are over them in the Lord, and admonish them; and to efteem them very bigbly in Love for their Works Sake. 1 Theff. v. 12, 13. To count them worthy of double Honour. 1 Tim. v. 17. To obey and fubmit themselves to them, i. e. to pay a due Regard to their paftoral Inftructions and Admonitions, that they may give an Account with Joy, and not with Grief. Heb. xiii. 17. And to make a proper Provifion for their Maintenance: Let him that is taught in the Word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good Things. Gal. vi. 6. And it is exprefsiy declared, that the Lord bath ordained, that they which preach the Gospel, should live of the Gospel. 1 Cor..

ix. 14.

It may be added, that a proper Regard should also be had to that great Variety of Conditions and Circumftances which is obfervable among Mankind. Some there are who are distinguished from others by the Splendor of their Condition, by their Intereft and Influence, and the honourable Rank they bear in the Community; and fuch Perfons are intitled to a proportionable Degree of Honour and Refpect. And accordingly,

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