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fect Obedience to all the Divine Commands, and whofe Delight is was to do the Will of God, even in the most difficult Instances. And furely the Example of fo glorious a Perfon fhould have a mighty Influence upon us! How engaging is it to confider, that, whilft we go on in a dutiful Obedience to the Divine Commands, we follow Chrift, and live as the Son of God lived, when he appeared in human Flesh? And for our farther Encouragement there are the Aids of the Holy Spirit provided for us, which God hath promised to us, and is ever ready to bestow for helping our Infirmities, and affifting our fincere Endeavours in the Performance of our Duty, amidst the many Difficulties and Temptations to which we are here expofed. Finally, the more effectually to animate us to Obedience, the most glorious Hopes are fet before us, and the most exprefs Promifes are given us of an Immortality of Joy and Glory in a better World, as the Reward of our fincere Obedience in this: And this bleffed Hope opens to us a new Scene of Divine Pleafures, which tend to fpread Satisfaction and Joy through the Christian Life. This is what I propofe to confider in my next Discourse.


On Rejoicing in Hope of the Glory of God.



And rejoice in Hope of the Glory
of God.


HOSOEVER impartially confiders the Duties required of us in the Divine Law must be fenfible that they are in themselves moft reasonable and excellent, and that, when duly obferved, they have a Tendency, in the Nature of Things, to promote our true Satisfaction and Happiness, even in this present State : But yet it cannot be denied, that there are many Difficulties and Difcouragements which attend the Practice of true Religion


and Godliness here on Earth. Such is the Weakness of our Nature in it's present Degeneracy, that we often find a great Backwardness and Indifpofition in our Hearts to the Performance of our Duty; the Work of Holiness is imperfect, even in the best of Men; we carry about with us irregular Appetites and Paffions, which it requireth no fmall Pains to mortify and fubdue; and we are in continual Danger from the Snares and Temptations of a finful World, and the Influence of it's corrupt Customs and evil Examples: To which may be added the bitter Cenfures and Perfecutions to which good Men are frequently expofed. It has often happened, that a steady Adherence to the Cause of Truth and Righteoufnefs hath fubjected them to great temporal Evils: They have been obliged to abandon their dearest worldly Comforts and Enjoyments, and to fubmit to the moft grievous Sufferings, to Pain, Reproach, Ignominy, and even Death itself, for the Sake of Religion and a good Confcience. This is what every true Christian must be prepared for in Heart and Refolution, though he may never be put to the actual Trial of it. If therefore this prefent Life were all we were to expect, and if there were not a better World

in Profpect, where we may hope to be freed from the Evils to which we are now expofed, and to arrive to the true Perfection and Happiness of our Nature, we should be in great Danger of finking under the Discouragements that lie upon us. It hath pleased God therefore, in his infinite Wisdom and Goodnefs, to fet before us the most glorious Prospects in the Promifes of his Word, which lay a folid Foundation for the most fublime and joyful Hope. And this added to the Excellency of the Divine Precepts, in themselves confidered, gives a good Man a vaft Superiority, in Point of real Satisfaction and Happiness, to the most profperous wicked Man upon Earth, and renders a holy and virtuous Life beyond Comparison more eligible and delightful than a Life of Vice and Sin.

St. Paul, fpeaking in his own Name, and in that of true Believers, declares, that, being justified by Faith, we have Peace with ·God through our Lord Jefus Chrift, by whom we have Accefs by Faith into this Grace wherein we ftand. And he adds, that we rejoice in Hope of the Glory of God. Where it is plainly intimated, that it is the Privilege and Happiness of fincere Chriftians, who live and walk by Faith, that

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