Prifon, and their Feet made fast in the Stocks; their Hearts were fo filled with a Divine Joy, that they made the Dungeon refound with Songs of Praife. Acts xvi. 24, 25. But that which efpecially fhews the great Advantage of this Divine Hope, and the Joy which springeth from it, is, that it is сараble of yielding ftrong Confolations and Supports against the Fears of Death itself: For the Righteous bath Hope in his Death. Prov. xiv. 32. In that awful Moment, when Nature is finking in all it's Powers, this Hope scattereth the Clouds and Darknefs which feem then to cover the Face of Things, and opens a bright and glorious Scene. Death then appears not merely as putting a Period to this prefent Life, but as an Introduction to a happy Immortality. Bad Men may, by the Force of natural Courage, or what is called a Principle of Honour, or under the Influence of fome ftrong Paffion, or perhaps in Confequence of their having wrought themselves up to a great Degree of Hardness and obftinate Infidelity, outbrave Death, and feem to meet it without Terror; but they cannot be faid to have Hope in their Death: And, if Confcience be awakened on a Dying-bed, the Apprehenfion of future Punishments for a Z 3 paft paft wicked Life, which fometimes comes with great Force even upon the most har dened Sinners, whether they will or no, causeth fuch Pangs and Agonies of Soul as no bodily Pains or Tortures can equal, and which a wife Man would not undergo for all the Pleasures of a vicious Life. It is Religion alone that can inable a Man both to live well, and to die fafely and comfortably. Many Inftances there have been of Perfons who through the Hopes of the Gospel have rejoiced in Death, and triumphed over it: Under the Languishings of a weak and dying Body, when Flesh and Heart were ready to fail them, they have had fome joyful Prelibations of the Glory prepared for them, or at leaft have been inabled, with a firm Confidence, and in peaceful Tranquillity, to commit their departing Spirits to their most merciful heavenly Father, and to the Saviour who died for them, and rofe again. Happy those who, when they fee their Diffolution approaching, can upon upon good Grounds fay with a Divine Faith and Hope, O Death, where is thy Sting? O Grave, where is thy Victory? The Sting of Death is Sin, and the Strength of Sin is the Law: But Thanks be to God, which giveth us the Victory through our Lord Jefus Christ. I Cor. xv. 56, 57, 58. I would I would conclude with exhorting you to labour to get this Hope of the Glory of God, which is the proper Foundation of fpiritual Joy, more confirmed and established. This Hope and Joy is far from being equal in all Chriftians: It admits of various Degrees, and in fome good Minds is comparatively weak and low. This, when it is not owing to the Prevalency of a melancholy Temper and Conftitution, is to be charged either upon their not having right Notions of the Nature and gracious Terms of the GospelCovenant, or upon their not taking due Care by a diligent Ufe of all proper Means to keep their Hope ftrong and vigorous: And this is certainly a very culpable Neglect. It is the Duty of every true Chriftian to do what he can to get his Doubts and Fears difpelled, and to entertain large and worthy Apprehenfions of the free and fovereign Grace and Goodnefs of God in Jefus Chrift. It is an uncomfortable and unnatural State to live in an anxious Sufpenfe of Mind, with regard to a Matter of fuch vaft Confequence as our Title to eternal Salvation: We fhould labour therefore to get out of this Perplexity, and not reft contented till, by a lively Faith, by fervent Prayer, by the frequent Exercife of the Chriftian Virtues, by abounding in the Fruits of the Spirit, and endeavouring to get our Souls formed Z4 formed into a greater Meetness for Heaven, we have our Hope more and more strengthened and enlarged, fo as to lay a folid Foundation for an inward Peace and Satisfaction And we must take particular of Mind. Care to guard against every Thing that is inconfiftent with this Divine Hope, and ef pecially against Indulging ourselves in the Practice of wilful prefumptuous Sin: For every fuch Sin will make an unhappy Breach upon our Hope and Joy, which cannot be repaired till we are effectually recovered from it by a fincere Repentance and new Obedience. Let us therefore lay afide every Weight, and the Sin that doth fo easily befet us; and let us run with Patience the Race that is fet before as, looking unto Jefus, the Author and Finisher of our Faith: Forgetting thofe Things which are behind, and reaching forth unto thofe Things which are before, let us prefs towards the Mark for the Prize of the bigh Calling of God in Jefus Chrift: And may the God of all Grace, who hath called us unto his eternal Glory by Christ Jefus, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, fettle you. To him be Glory and Dominion for ever. Amen. Prejudices Prejudices against Religion removed, and the Practice of Piety and Virtue recommended, as the higheft Pleasure and Delight. DISCOURSE XVII. PROVERBS iii. 17. Her Ways are Ways of Pleasantness, and all her Paths are Peace. STR TRONG and powerful are the Charms of Pleasure: It draweth us with a mighty Force, which we are scarce able to refift: Nor is this to be wondered at, fince Pleafure, or Delight, taken in it's just Extent, is only another Word for Happiness. But it generally happens, that Men are very wrong in their Notions and Pursuits of Pleafure, and in the Methods they take to obtain it: They place it in improper Ob jects, |