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ever think he can pay too much; supposing this was actually the cafe, (which it cannot possibly ever be) it is but a right-hand mistake, and a pitiable failing, for which we might humbly hope for pardon: but, on the other hand, should it turn out, that Jesus is God over all, bleffed for ever; and that He, against whom have been employed the shafts of farcafm and ridicule, or the more specious weapons of fallacious reasonings, will vindicate his injured Deity; the mistake may be fatal indeed! Before then to use the words of an eminent divine a) we venture to dethrone our God and Saviour, and bring him down to the rank of creatures; before we prefume to strip him of those honours, and that worship, which he has held in the chriftian church, these 1700 years, by the wifeft, the greatest, and most eminent men, that ever adorned humanity; it will be but the part of wisdom, to have every vestige of fufpicion removed, that our conduct will not offend the fupreme Judge, and fo not rush upon irreparable ruin. For the time fast approaches, when the scene of human affairs will vanish away, like a fleeting dream; when the globe itself, and all its stupendous works, shall diffolve, and, like the baseless fabrick of a vision, leave not a wreck behind! Then, that same Jesus, whom men are too apt to despise, will ascend the great white throne, and fummon the universe to attend his procedure! For, behold he cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced bim. This mighty event, Daniel, through the revolution of ages, faw, in prophetic vifion, and has described it in language that might make the heart of the boldest difputant to quake! I beheld till the hrones were cast down, and the ancient of days did fit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head

a Dr Waterland.


head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, &c. his wheels as burning fire. A fiery stream issued, and came forth from before him; thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand ftood before him; the judgment was fet, and the books were opened a.

"Confider, O my soul, shalt thou be there."


Then ten thousands of worlds, could they be offered, to be found of him in peace, would be offered in vain! But I hope better things of you, my refpectable, and worthy audience, and things that accompany falvation. I turn now, with pleasure, to the friends of Jesus, whose Deity they adore, and on whose atonement they reft their hopes.

II. I congratulate you then, upon two things, the principles you have adopted, and the company of whom you have made choice.

As to the first, you have believed that the Divine Nature is the alone object of worship; and that whatever personal characters or offices, we consider the person worshipped under, divine goes along with all. Thus, Jesus, is a divine Mediator, a divine Prophet, a divine Priest, a divine King; and so your worship of him never wants its proper object, never moves from its proper foundation, but remains constantly the fame. And all the acts and offices of Christ, relative to us, are only fo many manifestations of his goodness, power, wifdom, and other Attributes, which attributes are founded in the divine nature, which nature is common to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Thus all our acknowledgments center and terminate in one and

Dan, vii. 9, 10.

and the same divine nature, one God, over all, blessed for ever.-Hold fast, therefore, these sacred truths; beware of a difputatious spirit; avoid the fociety of those who have fit down in the chair of the scornful, of those mockers, whose bands, alas! will be made but too strong. Pray daily, for deeper infight into the person and glories of Chrift; and, in proportion as your knowledge is encreafed, fo will all your graces acquire additional growth and vigour, till you shall know, even as you are known, and be loft in eternal wonder, love, and praife.

I congratulate you upon your company. Seest thou a man diligent in business, he shall stand before princes, and not before mean men, faid the wifeft of men. And truly a found faith, and holy life, entitle you to the best of company. At the head of these is the Deity himself. You heard his voice from the excellent glory, expressing these majestic words, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. And fo am I too, re-echoed back your faith, He is all my falvation, and all my desire. This Immanuel shall be my God for ever and ever, he shall be my guide, even unto death. Angels join with you in adoring and admiring, with out-stretched necks, the endless glories of the Son of God. Those mighty potentates of heaven, who, in comparifon of men, are called Gods, the appearance of whose glory ftruck prophets almost dead with fear, and tempted an apostle to idolatry; yet these Gods are commanded to worship him, and, with joy, they fing a new fong, Worthy is the Lamb, &c. Adam, and all the Patriarchs; Mofes, and all the Prophets, faw his day, afar off; they saw it, and were glad; or, as the Greek word fignifies, they leaped for joy. The whole Old Testament Church cried out, with one voice, Make hafte, our beloved, be thou like a roe,


or a young hart, upon the mountains of Bether. The holy Apostles made him the theme, and delightful subject, of that Gospel, with which they filenced philofophers, struck oracles dumb, and overturned the religion of the world; and faithful Ministers, in every age, have made Jesus the scope and center of all their difcourses a. The illuftrious army of Confefsors, and Martyrs, who came out of great tribulation, having washed their robes in his blood, furround his throne, and make heaven resound with eternal anthems of joy. All holy and good men, in every age, and of every denomination of christians, however they differed in lesser matters, uniformly agreed in saying, In the Lord alone have we righteousness, and strength; Christ is all in all..

And now, that I may close the subject, fuffer a short word of exhortation :

Let obedience to Christ, and his holy precepts, run, like a thread of gold, through the whole web of your life. By this shall all men know that ye are my Disciples, if you do whatsoever I command you. He is thy Lord, therefore worship thou him. In your services of God, let sincerity be your chief aim, and his glory your leading motive. In your social dealings with men, be strictly just, and fincerely kind; and let your benevolence have no other bounds than the whole human race. Maintain in your minds a constant correspondence with heaven; enthrone God, and his law, in your hearts. And when your short day of life shall come to a close, and the shadows


a Said one of the renowned fathers, "Were the highest heavens, my " pulpit, and all the angels, with the numberless hofts of the redeemed, my audience, and eternity my day, Jesus, should alone be my text." And an eminent Minifter, in Scotland, repeating this magnificent sentiment, in his fermon, added, (with more piety than precifion) and I would go up after him and preach from the fame text, in the afternoon.

shadows of death fet down on your eye-lids, then, O then, repose your fouls in the bosom of him, who faid, Come unto me all ye who labour, and I will give you reft. He will bear you up, and carry you over the cold waters of the Jordan of death, and with his own gentle hand will wipe away all your tears, and introduce you to an innumerable company of angels, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, and to God, the Judge of All. Where may we all be, in his own good time, may God grant, for Jesus' fake. Amen.

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