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Men and Brethren,

W E are convened upon a very ferious OcDenominations are joining in the Worship of God together. And how good and pleafant it is, for Brethren to dwell together in Unity? Probably we shall not all ever afsemble to worship God together again, here below; but why, my Hearers, why, shall we not worship together in that Temple which is above, where we shall be all of one Heart and one Way? Surely, if we love the Lord Jesus Christ, we cannot be rejected the Kingdom of Heaven; that Kingdom which he hath promised to "All those that " love him (n). These shall enter in thro "the Gates into the City; they shall afcend " into the Hill of the Lord, and abide forever "in his Tabernacle.

cafion. And Christians of different

But are there not many here of whom it may

‡ His Excellency the Right Honourable Lord William Campbell, Governor of the Province, with a Number of his Majesty's Council, honoured this Assembly with their Presence, who, with the several Denominations of Chriftiaas present on this Occasion, express'd their Satisfaction with the Transactions of the Day.

(n) Jam. 2. 5.

may be truely faid, "dwelleth in them?"

"The Love of God

And of this Number are all fuch as are not born of God, as our Saviour himself affures us verily, verily I say unto thee, except a Man be born of Water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God (0).

Baptifmal Regeneration gives us no Title to the Kingdom of Heaven: No: We must be born of the Spirit, by which we are made Partakers of the divine Nature. WhichChange being instantaneous, all the Graces of the Holy Spirit, are then implanted in us at once, fuch as Faith and Love, Fear of God, &c. So that unless we are born of God and become new Creatures in Christ, we cannot be faid to love the Lord Jesus Christ, and confequently have no Title to the Kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him..

And how highly foever we may think of ourselves, the inspired Apostle tells us, that we are nothing (p), that is, nothing in the Eyes of God with Respect to his Favour and Friendship: Nothing as to our own Peace, Safety


(0) John 3.5. (p) 1. Cor. 13. 2.

Safety and Happiness. The Things which accompany Salvation are not to be found in us: And therefore we are nothing. Wretched and miferable, and poor and blind and naked (s). In the Gall of Bitterness and in the Bond of Iniquity (t). And of this Number are all thofe,

1. Who never saw their absolute Need of Christ to fave them from Hell, and to bring them to Heaven, by his meritorious Sufferings and Death.

2. Who do not, above all Things, defire to promote and advance that Kingdom of Christ in the World, which confifts in Righteousness, and Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghoft.

3. Of this Number are those who pay no due Regard to God's holy Sabbaths. Who love not the "Habitation of God's House, "the Place where his Honour dwelleth (a). Who call not the "Sabbath a Delight, the

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holy of the Lord and honourable; but da " their own Ways, find their own Pleasure, " &c." How dwelleth the Love of God in such! They could not be happy, if they were

(4) Rev. 3. 17. (t) Act 8. 23. (a) Pf. 26. 8.


to be admitted into the Kingdom of Heaven.

4. Such are those, who instead of loving, are Despisers of good Men, such as fear God : especially good Ministers, whom Christ sends in Compassion to the Souls of Men, for their Salvation.

5. Such are those, who walk after the Flesh, and mind earthly Things: and live without any ferious Intercourse with God by Prayer; which is living without God in the World.

6. Such are those, who having a Form of Godliness, deny the Power of it.

Such as deride and reproach the Spirit of God in his Graces, which he bestows upon his People-Scoffing at those who speak of Communion with God, Spiritual Experiences, Desertions, and Things of the like Nature.

Now, of all these, it may be said, that they have no Inheritance in the Kingdom of Chrift and of God, but the Wrath of God abideth on them: And they deferve to be banished from the Prefence of the Lord for ever. For, if any Man love not the Lord Jesus Chrift, let him



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be Anathama, Maranatha (b). That is, let him be accursed of God, the Lord cometh to execute Vengeance on him. How awful this Sentence! How dreadful your Condition! Nothing remaineth but a certain fearful looking for of Judgment, and fiery Indignation, which shall devour the Adversaries (e).

If the Righteous scarcely be saved, where Jhall the ungodly and the Sinner appear (d)? "What then will ye do, O ye Tranfgreffors, " when God riseth up; and when he visiteth, "what will you answer him (e)?" To whom will ye flee for Help, "When he shall be " revealed from Heaven with his mighty


Angels in flaming Fire taking Vengeance on "them that know not, that love not God, " and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord "Jesus Chrift, &c (f)." "For the ungodly " shall not stand in the Judgment, nor Sin"ners in the Congregation of the Righteous. "For the Lord knoweth the Way of the "Righteous, but the Way of the ungodly " shall perish (g).


(6) 1. Cor. 16. 22. (c) Heb. 10. 27.

(d) 1. Pct. 4. 18. (e) Job 31. 14. (f) 2. Thess. 1,

7.8, 9, (8) Pfal. 1. 5, 6.

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