To : By the Rev. JOHN BAILLIE. 1 -ἐπαδνωνζεθαι τῆ απαξ παραδοθείση τοισ αγίοις πιστει. is in- Why then, vain glorious man, do you wage war against Him who T 100.S. 407. (1 NEWCASTLE Printed by HALL and ELLIOT, 1789. 'e r B : 1 To the Rev. the Ministers, the Elders, Trustees, and Managers of the Diffenting Meetings in -Newcastle, and the numerous Assembly of Christians, of every denomination, who honoured the delivery of the following Discourse with their prefence, and expressed their approbation and kind partiality, by requesting it might be printed; the Sermon is respectfully dedicated by THE AUTHOR. 1 On the DIVINITY OF JESUS CHRIST, &c. ROMANS ix. 5. Whose are the Fathers, and of whom, as concerning the Flesh, Christ came, who is over all, GOD blessed for ever. Amen. S AID an Author of great fame in the learned world, in addressing his work to a person, high in office, when I fit down to write on subjects which interest the stability and splendor of the throne, and the felicity and security of mankind, I fummon myself in imagination, into your prefence, and think how you would express yourself on these important topics, and how I should express myself, so as to secure your approbation and esteema: With fome variation I may observe, that when I stand up here in the chair of truth, and confider that the subjects I intend to treat of, respect the infinite glories of the Son of God, in whose prefence we all now are, and before whose tribunal we must all shortly appear; that the present and eternal welfare of this numerous audience depends upon the belief of the truth contained in the text.-With a facred awe, I enter upon the task, humbly soliciting aid of the Spirit from on high, that he would take of the things of Christ, and shew them unto us, and so guide us into all truth. The Lord Kaimes's Dedication of Law Tracts to Lord Mansfield. |