A vindication of the divinity of Jesus Christ, a sermon1789 |
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Page 23
... firft created of any ? Or how could he be faid properly to be the ( o ) beginning of the creation of God , if he were not the first created of the Creation ? For , as God , he was the Beginner of the Creation , therefore it must be as ...
... firft created of any ? Or how could he be faid properly to be the ( o ) beginning of the creation of God , if he were not the first created of the Creation ? For , as God , he was the Beginner of the Creation , therefore it must be as ...
Page 45
... , or what- never is moft excellent to make us happy . Lastly . And that is done with exceeding Foy , oth to the Prefenter , and Presented . ( 0 ) Heb . 12. 23 . Firft . Firft . To the Presenter , the Lord Jesus Chrift Funeral SERMON . 45.
... , or what- never is moft excellent to make us happy . Lastly . And that is done with exceeding Foy , oth to the Prefenter , and Presented . ( 0 ) Heb . 12. 23 . Firft . Firft . To the Presenter , the Lord Jesus Chrift Funeral SERMON . 45.
Page 46
John Baillie. Firft . To the Presenter , the Lord Jesus Chrift this will appear if we consider , first , the Joy Chrift , expreffeth he had in us , as chofen of the Father and given unto him , before they or the World was properly or ...
John Baillie. Firft . To the Presenter , the Lord Jesus Chrift this will appear if we consider , first , the Joy Chrift , expreffeth he had in us , as chofen of the Father and given unto him , before they or the World was properly or ...
Expressions et termes fréquents
2dly abſolutely alſo Angels anſwer Apostle Arians becauſe believe bleffed bleſſed Blood cauſe Chriſtian Church confider Confideration conſequence Covenant Creature croſs Death defire deſigned divine Doctrine Duty earth eſpecially eternal faid Faith fame fanctified Father fatisfied fave firſt Fleſh fome fuch fuffered fupreme glorious glory God the Father God's Gospel Grace hath Heart heaven himſelf Holy Ghost honour Ifai Ifrael infinite itſelf Jehovah Jeſus Jesus Christ juſt Juſtice Love Minifters Miniſtry Mofes moral Law moſt muſt Nature neceſſary neſs never Number Obedience obſerve Occafion perfect Perſon pleaſed Pleaſure preach Prefence preſent Promises purpoſe reſpect Righteouſneſs Sacrifice Salvation ſame ſaved Saviour ſay Scripture ſelves ſenſe ſet ſhall ſhew ſhould Sinner ſome Soul ſpeak Spirit ſpiritual ſtand ſtill ſuch ſuppoſe Surety Text thee themſelves theſe Things thoſe thou tion Tritheism univerſal unto uſed Verſe whoſe Word World worship
Fréquemment cités
Page 26 - The ungodly are not so, but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous : but the way of the ungodly shall perish.
Page 41 - Enviest thou for my sake? would God that all the Lord's people were prophets, and that the Lord would put his spirit upon them.
Page 13 - I have all faith, fo that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.