ON THE RELIGIOUS PECULIARITIES OF THE Society of Friends; BY JOSEPH JOHN GURNEY. THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS NOT IN WORD, BUT IN POWER. I Cor. iv, 20. FIFTH EDITION. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY J. AND A. ARCH, CORNHILL; W. ALEXANDER AND SON, YORK; S. WILKIN, NORWICH; AND 1825. PREFACE. AMONG the arguments employed in the course of the following observations, there are some which are urged upon the attention of such persons, exclusively, as already possess an intimate knowledge of the character and circumstances of the Society of Friends. The present volume is, in fact, intended not so much for the information of the publick in general, as for the use of the junior members of that Society. To these the essays contained in it may be considered to be addressed. I am persuaded that there are not a few of our young men and women, who, although brought up in the Society, are nevertheless not sufficiently informed respecting the religious principles by which it is distinguished; and who, perhaps, have seldom reflected, with accuracy, on the Christian and scriptural grounds of our several peculiarities. A 2 |