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ing to the

state to be

within two years from the passing of this act, Certain
transfers shall and may be authorized, of so stock stand
much of the stock standing to the credit of credit of a
any state, pursuant to the report of the com- transferred
miffioners for fettling accounts between the to its cre-
United States and individual states, and the ditors.
act passed thereon, intitled, "An act making
provision for the payment of the interest on the
balances due to certain states, upon a final fet-
tlement of the accounts between the United
States and the individual states," to creditors
of fuch state, who were fuch, prior to the first
day of July, one thousand seven hundred and
ninety-three, as may be necessary to fatisfy
their refpective demands: Provided, That no Provife.
fuch transfer shall be made but with the con-
fent of the faid state and its creditors.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.
JOHN ADAMS, Vice-President of the United
States, and President of the Senate.

APPROVED, January the second, 1795:
Prefident of the United States.

[blocks in formation]

of the United States be, and he hereby is thorized and empowered to cause any inf ments of the foreign debts, which may due in the year one thousand feven hund and ninety-five, and alfo the third inftalm due on a loan made of the bank of the Uni States, in pursuance of the eleventh fectior the act for incorporating the fubfcribers the faid bank, to be paid out of the proce of any foreign loans heretofore made.

FREDERICK AUGUSTUS MUHLENBER Speaker of the House of Representatives JOHN ADAMS, Vice-President of the Un States, and President of the Senate APPROVED, January the eighth, 1795: GEORGE WASHINGTON Prefident of the United Stat


An Act for reviving certain Suits and Pro which have been discontinued in the Dist Court of Pennsylvania.

BE it enacted by th

the Senate and House of the United States of A

rica, in Congress afssembled, That all fuits a

by failure to hold the adjournment there

the day appointed, at any time since t day of July last, be, and they are herevived; and hereby day is given to all its and process aforesaid, in the district next by law to be holden in the same t; and the fame proceedings may be at the fame last-mentioned court, in all its and process aforesaid, as by law might been had at the courts, respectively, in n the fame were pending, or to which the were returnable.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.
N ADAMS, Vice-President of the United
States, and President of the Senate.
ROVED, January the 28th, 1795:
Prefident of the United States.


Act further extending the Time for receiving Loan the domestic Debt of the United States.

[blocks in formation]

New duty placed on specific articles.

An Act to authorize the Settlement of the Clai of Samuel Prioleau.



An Act for the Relief of Epaphras Jones an others.



An Act fupplementary to the several Acts imp fing Duties on Goods, Wares and Merchandiz imported into the United States.

HEREAS difficulties have arisen i


ticles imported into the United States, an further provifions for fecuring the collectio of the impoft-duties, are found neceffary;

Sec. 1. BE it enacted by the Senate and Hou of Representatives of the United States of Am rica, in Congress affembled, That in lieu of th prefent duties, there shall be levied, collecte and paid, upon all printing-types, which, afte half cent per pound; upon Malaga twenty cents; upon burgundy and paign, forty cents per gallon.

. 2. And be it further enacted, That afLe said last day of March, teas, common- Duty on led imperial, gunpowder or gomee, shall tea. he fame duties as hyson teas: and where entire article is, by any law of the Uni-articleta States, made subject to the payment of paypropores, the parts thereof, when imported fepa- the whole. y, shall be fubject to the payment of the

rate of duties.


tionably to

val. to be

at the place of exporta


ec. 3. And be it further enacted, That af- Duties ad he faid last day of March, the valuation estimated Il goods, wares and merchandize subject he payment of duties ad valorem, shall be He upon the actual cost at the place of extation, including all charges (commissions, -side packages and infurance only excepted) t the duty on any wines imported into the ited States shall not be less than ten cents - gallon, and that bottles, in which any lior is imported, shall be subject to the payent of the like duty as empty bottles.

Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the ties upon all goods, wares and merchandize -ported into the United States, after the faid

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