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And from the Lamb, a living stream,
Clear as the chrystal stone.

16 The stream doth water Paradise,
It makes the angels sing;
One cordial drop revives my heart;
Hence all my joys do spring.
Such joys as are unspeakable,
And full of glory too:

Such hidden manna, hidden pearls,
As worldlings do not know.

8 Eye hath not seen, nor ear hath heard,
From fancy 'tis conceal'd,

What thou, Lord, hast laid up for thine,
And hast to me reveal'd.

91 see thy face, I hear thy voice,
I taste thy sweetest love;

My soul doth leap but oh! for wings,
The wings of Noah's dove!

10. Then should I fly far hence away,
Leaving this world of sin;

Then should my Lord put forth his hand,
And kindly take me in.

11 Then should my soul with angels feast,
On joys that always last:
Bless'd be my God, the God of joy,

Who gives me here a taste.



HYMN 202. С. М.

Rejoicing in a Revival of Religion.


hear the sound, on earth 'tis found,

My soul delights to hear

Of dying love that's from above,

Of pardon bought most dear.

2 God's ministers, a flaming fire,

Are passing through the land, Their voice is, " hear, repent, and fear, "King Jesus is at hand."

3 Young converts sing, and praise their king, And bless God's holy name;

Whilst older saints, leave their complaints,
And joy to join the theme.

4 Convinc'd of sin, men now begin
To call upon the Lord,

Trembling they pray, and mourn the day
In which they scorn'd his word.

5 God's chariot rolls, and frights the souls
Of those who hate the truth;
And saints in pray'r, cry, Lord, draw near,
Have mercy on the youth.

6 Pour down a shower of thy great pow'r,
On ev'ry aching heart;

On all who try and humbly cry,

That they may have a part.

7 Come, sinners, all, hear now God's call,

And pray with one accord;

Saints, raise your songs--with joyful tongues, To hail th' approaching Lord.

HYMN 203. L. M.

An awakened Sinner lamenting his past security.

A LAS, alas, how blind I've been,

How little of myself I've seen!

Sportive I sail'd the sensual tide,
Thoughtless of God whom I defy'd.
2 I heard of heav'n, I heard of hell,
Where bliss and woe eternal dwell;

But mock'd the threats of truth divine, And scorn'd the place where angels shine.

3 My angry heart refus'd the blood, Of a descending, suff'ring God; And guilty passion boldly broke The holy law which heav'n had spoke. 4 Th"alluring world control'd my choice, When conscience spake, I hush'd its voice, Securely laugh'd along the road, Which hapless millions first had trod. 5 Now the Almighty God comes near, And makes me shake with awful fear; His terrors all my strength exhaust, My fear grows high, my peace is lost. 6 With keen remorse I feel my wound, And seem to hear the dreadful sound, "Depart from me, thou wretch undone, Go reap thy sin, and feel my frown." 7 Thus ends my mirthful, thoughtless life, Fill'd up with folly, guilt and strife; Perhaps I sink to endless pain, Nor hear the voice of joy again.

HYMN 204. С. М.

The successful Resolve. I will go in unto the
King. Esther iv. 16.

NOME, humble sinner, in whose breast,

A thousand thoughts rese
Come, with your guilt and fear opprest,
And make this last resolve.

2 "I'll go to Jesus, though my sin
Hath like a mountain rose;
I know his courts, I'll enter in,
Whatever may oppose.


3 "Prostrate I'll lie before his throne,
And there my guilt confess,
I'll tell him I'm a wretch undone,

Without his sov'reign grace.
4 "I'll to the gracious King approach,
Whose sceptre pardon gives,
Perhaps he may command my touch,
And then the suppliant lives.
5 "Perhaps he will admit my plea,
Perhaps will hear my pray'r;

But if I perish I will pray,
And perish only there.

6 "I can but perish if I go,
I am resov'd to try;
For if I stay away, I know
I must for ever die."


HYMN 205. Eights and Sixes.

The Returning Penitent.

HEN with my mind devoutly press'd,
Dear Saviour, my revolving breast

Would past offences trace;
Trembling I make the black review,
Yet pleas'd, behold, admiring too,
The pow'r of changing grace.

2 This tongue with blasphemies defil'd,
These feet to erring paths beguil'd,
In heav'nly league agree:
Who would beleive such lips could praise,
Or think from dark and winding ways,
I e'er should turn to thee?

3 These eyes, that once abus'd the light,
Now lift to thee their wat'ry sight,
And weep a silent flood;

These hands are rais'd in ceaseless pray'r, -
Oh, wash away the stains they wear,

In pure redeeming blood.
4 These ears, that once could entertain
The midnight oath, the festive strain,
Around the sinful board;
Now deaf to all th' enchanting noise,
Avoid the throng, detest their joys,
And long to hear thy word.
5 Thus art thou serv'd in ev'ry part,
Go on, bless'd Lord, to cleanse my heart,
That drossy thing refine;
That grace may nature's pow'rs control,
And a new creature, body, soul,
Be all, and wholly thine.

HYMN 206. Elevens.

And the Soul of the People was much discouraged because of the way. Numb. xxi. 4.


OW many and great are the foes which in


The way thro' this world to the Canaan of rest?
The traveller ever his Lord would obey,
Yet oft is discourag'd because of the way.

2 Though Satan, the world, and corruptions


And try to prevent the poor Pilgrim's design; They cannot destroy, though they often betray, And make him discourag'd because of the way. 3 When good he would do, imperfections


His graces are weak, and temptations surround; For many turn back, and would lead him astray, Which makes him discourag'd because of the


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