OF AMERICA. IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. III. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED BY RICHARD FOLWELL, No. 33, CARTER'S ALLEY. 1796. FIRST SESSION OF THE THIRD CONGRESS OF THE United States of America, REGUN AND HELD AT THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, In the State of Pennsylvania, On Monday the Second of December, IN THE YEAR MDCCXCIII. AND OF THE Independence of the United States, THE EIGHTEENTH. An Act making an Alteration in the Flag of the B in flag of U. States. E it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress afssembted, That from and af- Alteration ter the first day of May anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, the flag of the United States, be fifteen stripes alternate red and white. That the Union be fifteen stars, white in a blue field. FREDERICK AUGUSTUS MUHLENBERG, APPROVED, January the thirteenth, 1794: GEORGE WASHINGTON, |