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6 Here in thy house shall incense rise,
As circling Sabbaths bless our eyes;
Still will we make thy mercies known,
Around thy board, and round our own.
7 And Oh, may our harmonious tongues,
In worlds unknown pursue the songs;
And in those brighter courts adore,
Where days and years revolve no more.

HYMN 315. С. М.

A Morning Hymn.

WAS the eternal Word that spake,
And said, "Let there be light;"


It was, and at his high command,
Sprang from the womb of night.
2 He bids the day-spring know its place,
And guides the rising sun;
All nature owns her sov'reign Lord,
And what he wills is done.

3 Should he forbid the sun to rise,
And endless darkness reign,
Justice would silence every mouth,
Nor let a thought complain.
4 Thus had the Sun of Righteousness
Never rose and shone,

The frowning heav'ns had flash'd with wrath,
For crimes which we have done.

5 Then had salvation ne'er appear'd,
Nor angels sang of peace;
The anthem never had begun,
Which now will never cease.
6 But thanks to God, the nat'ral sun,
Does light and heat convey;
The Sun of Righteousness will shine,
An everlasting day.

HYMN 316. Sevens.

A Hymn to be repeated when rising.
OW the shades of night are gone;
Now the morning light is come;


Lord, may I be thine to-day,
Drive the shades of sin away.
2 Fill my soul with heav'nly light,
Banish doubt, and cleanse my sight;
In thy service, Lord, to-day,
Help me labor, help me pray.
3 Keep my haughty passions bound,
Save me from my foes around;
Going out and coming in,
Keep me safe from ev'ry sin.
4 When my work of life is past,
Oh! receive me then at last!
Night of sin will be no more,
When I reach the heav'nly shore.

HYMN 317. C. M.

A Morning Hymn.

WITH thee, great God, the stores of light,

And stores darkness lie;

Thou form'st the sable veil of night,
And spread'st it round the sky.

2 And when with welcome slumber press'd,

We close our weary eyes,

Thy pow'r unseen secures our rest,

And makes us joyful rise.

3 Numbers this night, great God, have met

Their long, eternal doom;

And lost the joys of morning light,

In death's tremendous gloom.

4 Numbers on restless beds still lie,
And still their woes bewail!

While we, by thy kind hand uprais'd,
A thousand pleasures feel.

5 To thee, great God, in thankful songs,
Our morning thoughts arise;
Propitious in thy Son, accept

The willing sacrifice


HYMN 318. L. M.

An Evening Hymn.

LEST Lord, when darkness veils the skies,
Prevent the slumber of mine eyes,

Till bow'd before the King of kings,
I ask myself the following things.

2 Where have I been, what have I done?
To what new follies have I run?
Have I observ'd each rising thought,
And done the things which God hath taught?
3 Do secret thoughts and actions prove
My love to God, who reigns above?
Do my affections rise on high,
As days and nights successive fly?
4 Do I rejoice in that wise plan,
Which governs all th' affairs of man?
Gives life, and health, and joy, and rest,
Or sends affliction when 'tis best?

5 And when God's holy law I hear,
Does it alarm my heart with fear ?
Or does it sweetly rule within,
And make me hate and fly from sin?
6 Lord, help me see and try my heart,
And search me through in every part;
Cleanse me from sin, and warm my love,
Thus fit me for the world above.


HYMN 319 С. М.

An Evening Hymn.

NDULGENT Father! by whose care
I've pass'd another day,
Let me this night thy mercy share,
And teach me how to pray.

2 Show me my sins, and how to moan

My guilt before thy face; Direct me, Lord, to Christ alone,

And save me by thy grace.

3 Speak to my conscience, speak thou peace,

Through his atoning blood :

And grant me, Lord, a full release
From sin's oppressive load.
4 Shew me my wants, and let me crave
Nothing but what is right;
Help me, by faith, on thee to live,
Then change my faith to sight.
5 Open to me thy gracious ear,
Great God, my wants supply;
Confirm my hope, relieve my fear,
And bid my murm'rings die.
6 Guide me through life's mysterious path,
Nor let me from thee stray;
Preserve my fleeting, mortal breath,
Through each revolving day.
7 Let each returning night declare
The tokens of thy love;
And every hour thy grace prepare
My soul for joys above.

8 And when on earth I close mine eyes,
To sleep in death's embrace,
Let me to heav'n and glory rise,
T' enjoy thy smiling face.

HYMN 320. S. M.

A Hymn to be repeated on going to rest.
HE day is past and gone,


The evening shades appear;

Oh, may I ever keep in mind,

The night of death draws near.

2 I lay my garments by,

Upon my bed to rest;

So death will soon remove me hence,
And leave my soul undrest.

3 Lord, keep me safe this night,
Secure from all my fears;
May angels guard me while I sleep,
Till morning light appears.

4 And when I early rise,
To view th' unwearied sun,
May I set out to win the prize,
And after glory run :

5 That when my days are past,
And I from time remove,
Lord, I may in thy bosom rest,
The bosom of thy love.

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HYMN 321. L. M.

Asking Christ's presence on the Sabbath.
H, for

a heart to praise and pray,
To spend with Christ this sacred day!

For wings of faith to soar above,
And clasp his feet in arms of love.
2 I'd hold him fast, till he should give,
A word of grace and bid me live;
I'd plead his blood for guilt and sin,
Till he should cleanse from ev'ry stain.

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