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7 Thrice happy souls who're gone before,
To that inheritance divine;

They labor, sorrow, sigh no more,
But bright in endless glory shine.

8 Then let our mournful tears be dry,
Or in a gentle measure flow;
We hail them happy in the sky,
And joyful wait our call to go.

HYMN 380. С. М.

For if we believe that Jesus died, and rose again, even so them also who sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. 1 Thess. iv. 14.

No, never let us mourn for those,

Who sleep in Jesu's arms;

There they are freed from sin and woes,
And all life's fears and storms.

2 They've reach'd their bright and bless'd abode,

And sing for ever there :

And, in the presence of their God,

Triumphant they appear.

3 What tho' their bodies, now entomb'd,

Are mould'ring into dust,

A dying Jesus has perfum'd


The graves of all the just.

4 Ere long the tomb shall yield its prey,

When each believer there

With Jesus, on that joyful day,

All glorious shall appear.


5 Then with his saints, Oh, may we stand

Before his face with joy;

And, when in heav'n, at his right hand,
His praise be our employ.


HYMN 381. Sixes, Eights and Fours.

The Covenant of God.

NHE God of Abra'm praise,
Who reigns enthron'd above;

Ancient of everlasting days,
And God of love!
Jehovah, great I AM!
By earth and heav'n confest,
I bow and praise the sacred name,

For ever bless'd.

2 The God of Abra'm praise,

At whose supreme command,
From earth I rise, and seek the joys

At his right hand.
I'd all on earth forsake,

Its wisdom, fame, and pow'r ;
And him my only portion make,
My shield and tow'r.

3 The God of Abra'm praise,
Whose all-sufficient grace
Shall guide me all my happy days,

In all his ways:
He calls a worm his friend!
He calls himself my God!
And he shall save me to the end,
Through Jesu's blood.

4 He by himself hath sworn;
1 on his oath depend;

I shall on eagle's wings up-borne,

To heav'n ascend :

I shall behold his face,

I shall his pow'r adore;

And sing the wonders of his grace

For ever more!

HYMN 382. С.М.

The Incarnation.

John i. 14.

AWAKE, awake the sacred song

Let ev'ry heart and ev'ry tongue
Adore th' eternal Word.

2 That awful Word, that sov'reign pow'r,
By whom the worlds were made;
(Oh, happy morn! illustrious hour!)
Was once in flesh array'd!
2 Then shone almighty pow'r and love,
In all their glorious forms;
When Jesus left his throne above
To dwell with sinful worms.
4 To dwell with misery below,
The Saviour left the skies;
And sunk to wretchedness and woe,
That worthless man might rise.
5 Adoring angels tun'd their songs,
To hail the joyful day;
With rapture, then, let mortal tongues
Their grateful worship pay.

6 What glory, Lord, to thee is due ! With wonder we adore;

But could we sing as angels do,

Our highest praise were poor.

HYMN 383.

The Resurrection.


1 Cor. xv. 56.

CHRIST, the Lord, is ris'n to-day,

/ Sons of men and angels say, Raise your joys and triumphs high, Sing, ye heav'ns, and earth reply.

2 Love's redeeming work is done,
Fought the fight, the battle won!
Lo! the sun's eclipse is o'er,
Lo! he sits in blood no more.

3 Vain the stone, the watch, the seal,
Christ hath burst the gates of hell:
Death in vain forbids his rise,
Christ hath open'd Paradise.

4 Lives again our glorious King,
"Where, O death, is now thy sting?"
Once he dy'd our souls to save;


Where's thy vict'ry, boasting grave?"

5 Soar we now where Christ has led,

Following our exalted head;
Made like him, like him we rise,
Ours the cross, the grave, the skies.
6 What tho' once we perish'd all,
Partners of our parents' fall;
Second life let us receive,
In our heav'nly Adam live.

7 Hail the Lord of earth and heav'n!
Praise to thee by both be giv'n!
Thee we greet triumphant now,
Hail the Resurrection-thou.


HYMN 384. Eights.

Our God for ever and ever. Psalm xlviii.
HIS God is

the God we adore,

Our faithful unchangeable friend;

Whose love is as large as his pow'r,
And neither knows measure nor end;
'Tis Jesus the first and the last,
Whose Spirit shall guide us safe home,
We'll praise him for all that is past,
And trust him for all that's to come.


HYMN 385. Sixes and Fours.
Worthy the Lamb.

LORY to God on high!
☑ Let earth and skies reply,
Praise ye his name;
His love and grace adore,
Who all our sorrows bore:
Sing loud forevermore,
Worthy the Lamb.
2 Jesus our Lord and God,
Bore sin's tremendous load,
Praise ye his name;
Tell what his arm hath done,
What spoils from death he won:
Sing his great name alone,

Worthy the Lamb.

3 While they around the throne
Cheerfully join in one,
Praising his

Those who have felt his blood
Sealing their peace with God;
Sound his dear fame abroad,
Worthy the Lamb.
4 Join, all ye ransom'd race,
Our holy Lord to bless;

Praise ye his name;
In him we will rejoice,
And make a joyful noise,
Shouting with heart and voice,
Worthy the Lamb.
5 What tho' we change our place,
Yet we shall never cease

Praising his name :
To him our songs we bring,
Hail him our gracious King,
And without ceasing sing,
Worthy the Lamb.

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