Page. Let us love and sing and wonder, 217 276 303 295 Long have I walk'd this dreary road, 138 Look down O Lord with pitying eye, 197 Lord at thy feet we sinners lie, 109 Lord dismiss us with thy blessing, 238 Lord hast thou made me know thy ways, 71 Lord I am pain'd but I resign, 288 Lord I'm defil'd in every part, 101 Lord shall we part with gold for dross, 202 Lord thou hast been thy children's God, 6 Lord thou with an unerring beam, 8 Lord what a croud of anxious cares, 226 Mourn, mourn ye saints who once did see, 322 No more I ask or hope to find, Page. 217 66 53 236 37 249 85 69 * Now in a song of grateful praise, 238 211 46 200 256 148 285 114 77 O for a glance of heavenly day, O happy soul that lives on high, O Lord my best desires fulfil, O Lord our languid souls inspire, On man in his own image made, Page. O righteous God, thou Judge supreme, 281 O sight of anguish, view it near, 34 O tell me no more of this world's vain store, 72 O that I knew the secret place, 67 O that my load of sin were gone, 93 O that the Lord would hear my cry, 131 O thou my God who from thy throne supreme, 132 O thou to whose all-searching sight, 241 Our great Redeemer's gone, 274 Our life how short, a groan, a sigh, 288 Our Lord is ris'n from the dead, 60 Peace, 'tis the Lord Jehovah's hand, 151 RAISE, thoughtless sinner, raise thine eye, 137 Return, my roving heart, return, 150 Shepherd of Israel thou dost keep, 276 317 Should bounteous nature kindly pour, 126 228 103 267 250 Sinner art thou still secure, 297 Sinner behold I've heard thy groan, 139 Sinners obey the gospel word, 95 Sinners the voice of God regard, 50 105 Sometimes a light surprises, 104 Sov'reign of life I own thy hand, 284 Stay thou insulted Spirit, stay, 89 58 Sure the blest comforter is nigh, 89 140 31 227 Sweet was the time when first I felt, The fountain of Christ Lord help us to sing, 41 The God of Abra'm praise, 311 The God who once to Israel spoke, 222 Page. The grass and flow'rs which clothe the field, 252 The Lord my pasture shall prepare, 224 The Lord proclaims his grace abroad, 99 The Lord receives his highest praise, 193 The Lord will happiness divine, 119 The mighty frame of glorious grace, 61 The moment a sinner believes, 102 The new born child of gospel grace, 190 325 42 There is a God that reigns above, 20 There was an hour when Christ rejoic'd, 240 The Saviour to adore, 318 'Thus far my God has led me on, 186 Thus saith the holy one and true, 178 Thy mercy my God is the theme of my song, 11 'Twas on that night when doom'd to know, 269 'Twas the eternal word that spake, VITAL spark of heavenly flame, 255 325 |