6 Speak, gracious Lord, my sickness cure, Make my infected nature pure; Peace, righteousness, and joy impart,
And pour thyself into my heart.
INNERS, obey the gospel word, Haste to the supper of your Lord; Be wise to know your gracious day, All things are ready, come away.
2 Ready the Father is to own, And kiss his late returning Son: Ready the gracious Saviour stands, And spreads for you his bleeding hands.
3 Ready the Spirit from above, To fill the sinful heart with love; T' apply and witness Jesu's blood; And wash and seal you sons of God.
4 Ready for you the angels wait, To triumph in your blest estate; Tuning their harps, by which they praise, The wonders of redeeming grace.
5 Come then, ye sinners, to the Lord, To happiness in Christ restor'd; His proffer'd benefits embrace, The plenitude of gospel grace.
6 Oh, quit this world's delusive charms, And quickly fly to Jesu's arms; Wrestle, until your God is known, Till you can call the Lord your own.
HYMN 116 С. М.
Fortitude under Reproaches.
ID'ST thou, dear Jesus, suffer shame, And bear the cross for me?
And shall I fear to own thy name, Or shall I basely flee?
2 Forbid it, Lord, that I should dread, To suffer shame or loss;
Oh, let me in thy footsteps tread, And glory in thy cross.
3 Inspire my soul with life divine, And holy courage bold;
Let knowledge, faith, and meekness shine, Nor love, nor zeal grow cold.
4 Say to my soul, why dost thou fear The face of feeble man ?
Behold, thy heav'nly Captain's here, Before thee in the van.
5 Oh, how my soul would rise and run, At this reviving word; Nor any painful suff'rings shun,
To follow thee, my Lord. 6 Let sinful men reproach, defame, And call me what they will,
If I may glorify thy name, And be thy servant still.
HYMN 117. С. М.
The Gospel suited to the wants of all.
ESUS, thy blessings are not few, Nor is thy gospel weak;
Thy grace can melt the stubborn Jew, And heal the dying Greek.
2 Wide as the reach of Satan's rage, Does thy salvation flow;
It's not confin'd to sex or age, The lofty or the low.
3 While grace is offer'd to the prince, The poor may take their share;
No mortal has a just pretence, To perish in despair.
4 Come, all ye wretched sinners, come, He'll form your souls anew; His gospel and his heart have room For rebels such as you.
The Excellency of the Priesthood of Christ. IDST all the priests of Jewish race, Jesus the most illustrious stands:
The radiant beauty of his face Superior love and awe demands. 2 Not Aaron or Melchizedeck Could claim such high descent as he; His nature and his name bespeak His unexampled pedigree.
3 Descending from the throne above, He bears th' endearing name of Son; Dress'd in our flesh and mov'd by love, He puts his priestly garments on. 4 See! he presents his sacrifice, An off'ring most divinely sweet; While clouds of fragrant incense rise, And cover o'er the mercy seat. 5 The Father, with approving smile, Accepts the off'ring of his Son;
New joys the wond'ring angels feel, And haste to bear the tidings down. 6 The welcome news their lips repeat, Gives sacred pleasure to my breast; Henceforth, my soul, thy cause commit To Christ, thine advocate and priest.
Christ the Way to the Heavenly Canaan. ESUS, my all, to heav'n is gone, He whom I fix my hopes upon;
His track I see, and I'll pursue The narrow way till him I view. 2 The way the holy prophets went, The road that leads from banishment, The king's highway of holiness I'll go, for all his paths are peace. 3 This is the way I long have sought, And mourn'd because I found it not; My grief, my burden long has been, Because I could not cease from sin.
4 The more I strove against its pow'r, I sinn'd and stumbled but the more; Till late I heard my Saviour say, Come hither, soul, "I am the way." 5 Lo! glad I come, and thou, blest Lamb, Shall take me to thee as I am; Nothing but sin I thee can give, Nothing but love shall I receive. 6 Then will I tell to sinners round What a dear Saviour I have found; I'll point to thy redeeming blood, And say, "Behold the way to God."
HYMN 120. С. М.
Mercy prevailing. Ezek. xvi. 63, NCE perishing in blood I lay, Creatures no help could give;
But Jesus pass'd me in the way, He saw, and bade me live. 2 Oh, can I e'er that day forget, When Jesus kindly spoke! " Poor soul, my blood has paid thy debt, And now I break thy yoke.
3 "Behold, I take thee for my own, "And give myself to thee; "Forsake the idols thou hast known, " And yield thyself to me." 4 Ah, worthless heart! it promis'd fair, And said it would be thine;
I little thought it e'er would dare
Again with idols join.
5 LORD, dost thou such backslidings heal,
And pardon all that's past ?
Sure, if I am not made of steel,
I shall relent at last.
6 My tongue, which rashly spake before,
- Thy mercy will restrain;
Surely I now shall boast no more,
Nor censure nor complain.
HYMN 121. L. M.
The Power of Divine Grace in answer to Prayer.
Ezek. xxxvi. 25-28.7.
NHE Lord proclaims his grace abroad : Behold I change your hearts of stone !
Ye shall renounce each idol-god, And serve and praise the Lord alone.
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