Let us adore the grace that feeks 163 Let us love, and fing, and wonder, 313 Let worldly minds the world purfue, 294 Lord, my foul with pleasure springs, 285 Lord, thou hast won, at length i yield, Lord, what is man! extremes how wide, 319 M M Anna to Ifrael well fupply'd 16 Martha her love and joy express'd 100 Mary to her Saviour's tomb 117 May the grace of Chrift our Savicur, 324 Mercy, O thou Son of David! 96 My barns are full, my ftores increase, 102 My former hopes are dead, My God! how perfect are thy ways! 68 My God! till I receiv'd thy troke: 69 My harp untun'd, and laid afide My fong shall bless the Lord of all, 179 My foul once had its plenteous years, 12 My foul, this curious heute of clay, 212 My foul is befet 1249 My foul is sad, and much difmay'd ; 258 Not to Sinai's dreadful blaze, w Now, gracious Lord, thine arm reveal, er Now let us join with hearts and tongues, 186 Now may fervent pray'r arifellas New may the Lord reveal his face, Now, Lord, inspire the preacher's heart, 1820 Now may He who from the dead 324 Often thy public means of grace, 22 Ott as the bell, with folemn toll, w2121 Oh, may the power which melts the rock, 20. how I love thy holy word, Once a woman filent flood Once on a time a paper-kite $329. Once perishing in blood I lay, Once, while we aim'd at Zion's fongs 189 On man, in his own image made On the fame flow'r we often fee sadasnaid One awful word which Jefus spoke, One glance of thine, eternal Lord, One there is, above all others, aчение эко Precious Bible! what a treasure 201 Saviour, visit thy plantation, 191 147 See! how rude winter's icy hand See the gloomy gath'ring cloud See, the world for youth prepares, Shall men pretend to pleasure, Sight, hearing, feeling, tafte, and fmell, T Supported by the word, Sweeter founds than music knows EN thousand talents once I Page 73 44 179 That was a wonder-working word 217 That man no guard or weapons needs, 150 The church a garden is 03 The God who once to Ifrael spoke 159 The grafs, and flow'rs, which clothe the field, 177 The Lord, our falvation and light, 182 The Spirit breathes upon the word, 200 The gath'ring clouds, with aspect dark, 202 The book of nature open lies, 218 The moon in filver glory shone, 221 The moon has but a borrow'd light 22/2 The water flood like walls of brass, 232 1-1257 The Saviour hides his face! The new-born child of gofpel-grace, There is a fountain fill'd with blood Tho' in the outward church below Tho' the morn may be ferene, Tho' fore beset with guilt and fear, 269 Thus faith the Lord to Ephesus, 136 Thus faith the holy One and true, 139 Thy manfion is the Christian's heart, Thy message, by the preacher, seal, 169 Thy promife, Lord, and thy command. 320 Time, with an unweary'd hand, Time, by moments, steals away, Tis a point I long to know, 119 'Tis my happiness below Tis paft, the dreadful stormy night To keep the lamp alive To tell the Saviour all my wants, 284 To thee our wants are known, 325 To those who know the Lord I speak, 253 Too many, Lord, abuse thy grace, 277 Uncertain how the way to find 272 Untef the Lord had been my stay 260 |