5 The Saints in his Presence receive Their great and eternal Reward, In Jesus, in Heaven they live, They reign in the Smile of their Lord: The Flame of angelical Love Is kindl'd at Jesus's Face; And all the Enjoyment above Confists in the rapturous Gaze.
AFFLICTION is the wholesome foil of
Where patience, honour, sweet humanity, Calm fortitude take root, and strongly flourish. Butprofperousfortune, that allureswith pleafure, Dazzles with pomp, and undermines with
Poisons the foil, and its best product kills.
I SHEW Pity, Lord; O Lord, forgive,
Let a repenting Rebel live; Are not thy Mercies large and free? May not a Sinner trust in thee?
2 My Crimes are great, but not furpass The Pow'r and Glory of thy Grace: Great God, thy Nature hath no Bound, So let thy pard'ning Love be found.
3 O wash my Soul from ev'ry Sin, And make my guilty Confcience clean; Here on my Heart the Burden lies, And past Offences pain mine Eyes.
4 My Lips with Shame my Sins confefs Against thy Law, against thy Grace; Lord, should thy Judgments grow fevere, I am condemn'd but thou art clear.
5 Should fudden Vengeance seize my Breath, I must pronounce thee just in Death: And if my Soul were fent to Hell, Thy righteous Law approves it well. 6 Yet save a trembling Sinner, Lord, Whose Hope, still hov'ring round thyWord, Would light on fome sweet Promise there, Some sure Support against Despair.
I WHAT are these array'd in White, Brighter than the noon-day Sun?
Foremost of the Sons of Light, Nearest the eternal Throne? These are they that bore the Cross, Nobly for their Master stood: Suff'rers in his righteous Cause; Followers of the dying God. 2 Out of great Distress they came,
Wash'd their Robes, by Faith below,
In the Blood of yonder Lamb,
Blood that washes white as Snow; Therefore are they next the Throne, Serve their Maker Day and Night, God refides among his own, God doth in his Saints delight. 3 More than Conquerors at last, Here they find their Trials o'er : They have all their Sufferings past, Hunger now and thirst no more; No excessive Heat they feel From the Sun's director Ray, In a milder Clime they dwell, Region of eternal Day.
4 He that on the Throne doth reign, These the Lamb shall always feed, With the Tree of Life sustain, To the living Fountains lead; He shall all their Sorrows chase, All their Wants at once remove; Wipe the Tears from every Face, Fill up ev'ry Soul with Love.
THE human Race are Sons of Sorrow born, And each must have his Portion. Vulgar
Refuse, or crouch beneath their Load; the brave Bear theirs without Repining.
Our Hearts in folemn Songs of Praise, By all thy Works on Earth ador'd, We worship thee, the common Lord, The everlasting Father own, And bow our Souls before thy Throne.
2 Thee all the Choir of Angels sings, The Lord of Hosts, the King of Kings; Cherubs proclaim thy Praise aloud, And Seraphs shout the triune God, They, Holy, Holy, Holy, cry, Thy Glory fills both Earth and Sky.
3 God of the Patriarchal Race, The antient Seers record thy Praise; The goodly Apoftolic Band In highest Joy, and Glory stand; And all the Saints and Prophets join T'extol the Majesty divine.
4 Head of the Martyr's noble Host,
Of thee they make their glorious Boast, The Church to Earth's remotest Bounds Her heav'nly Founder's Praise resounds, And strive with those around thy Throne To hymn the mystic Three in One.
5 Father, of endless Majesty, All Might and Love they render thee, Thy true and only Son adore,
The fame in Dignity and Pow'r, And God the Holy Ghost declare, The Saint's eternal Comforter.
6 Meffiah, Joy of ev'ry Heart, Thou, thou the King of Glory art, The Father's everlasting Son, Thee, thee we most delight to own, For all our Hopes on thee depend, Whose glorious Mercies never end. 7 Hallow and make thy Servants meet, And with thy Saints in Glory feat, Sustain and bless us by thy Sway, And keep to that tremendous Day, When all thy Church shall chant above The new, eternal Song of Love.
I Love divine, how sweet thou art! When shall I find my willing Heart
All taken up by thee? I thirst, I faint, I die to prove The Greatness of redeeming Love, The Love of Christ to me!
2 Stronger is Love than Death or Hell; Its Riches are unsearchable:
The first born Sons of Light Defire in vain its Depths to fee: They cannot reach the Mystery,
The Length, and Breadth, and Height.
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