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--penalty on obftructing claimants for Slave-Trade to foreign countries prohibited -veffels concerned in, to be forfeited

ii. 167 iii. 22


-veffels fufpected, may be compelled to give bond 23 -penalty on being concerned in fitting out veffels to be employed in,


-penalty for every flave taken on board and fold 23 Snuff act, laying a duty on, fufpended

Spain, treaty with,

Spirits imported, duty on,

(See Duties)

371.412 ii. 508

-diftilled in the United States, duty on, (See Duties)


The Secretary of State to be the principal officer in the department of State, who fhall perform and execute fuch duties, as fhall be from time to time enjoined on and entrufted to him by the Prefident, agreeably to the conftitution, relative to correfpondencies, commiffions and inftructions, to or with public minifters or confuls from the United States, or to negociate with public foreign minifters; or to memorials or other applications from foreign ministers, or other foreigners; and, generally, as relating to fuch foreign affairs, as the Prefident fhall affign to the department; and fuch officer fhall conduct the business, in fuch manner, as the Prefident, from time to time, may direct i. 359 There fhall be in faid department, a principal clerk, to be appointed by the Secretary of State, to be called chiefclerk, and to be employed in fuch manner as the fecretary fhall direct; and who, in cafe of vacancy in the principal office, fhall have the custody of the papers belonging to the department

360 The principal officer, and every officer employed in the department, fhall take an oath, faithfully to execute

the duties of their office


зба Secretary of State may appoint fuch clerks as he shall find neceffary Secretary of State fhall take charge and cuftody of the books and papers in the office of the fecretary for the department of foreign affairs, under the United States, in Congrefs affembled i. 360 Secretary of State, when a bill has been figned by the Preident of the United States, or has become a law purfuant to the conftitution, fhall receive the fame, pub

[ocr errors][merged small]


fish it in at least three news-papers; deliver one printed copy to each fenator and representative, two to the executive of each ftate-fhall preferve the originals, and cause the fame to be recorded in books kept for that purpose i. 42 The feal heretofore ufed by the United States in Congress affembled, shall be the feal of the United States The Secretary of State fhall be the keeper of the seal, and fhall affix the fame to all civil commissions after they have been figned by the Prefident, and to other inftruments by special warrants from the President 43 The Secretary of State fhall caufe fuch feal to be made for his office as the Prefident fhall approve, and copies of records authenticated by it, fhall be of equal evidence with the original

Fees of office



The Secretary of State fhall have the cuftody of the seal, and all records and papers in the office of the late Secrewary of the United States in Congrefs affembled, and fhall deliver over fuch as appertain to the treasury or war department, to the principal officer in the fame, as the Prefident shall direct i. 43

Duty of the Secretary of State to procure the ftatutes of the several states

Shall publish all treaties with the laws

362 271

ii. 24

He may appoint an additional clerk in his office, to have the fame falary as the chief clerk 125 When the lift of votes for the Prefident and Vice Prefident shall not be received at the feat of government by the first Wednesday in January, he fhall fend a fpecial meffenger to the district judge for them, who fhall transmit them to the feat of government When the offices of Prefident and Vice President shall be vacant, he fhall give notice to the executive of every ftate, and fhall publish the fame in one news-paper in every ftate, specifying the time in which the electors of the Prefident are to be chofen He shall make out letters-patent for ufeful difcoveries 200 He fhall counterlign letters patent for lands granted to the officers and foldiers of the Virginia line, and note the date thereof, and record the name of the grantee in his ofice iii. 116


In cafe of vacancy in the office of Secretary of State, the Prefident may make a temporary appointment, till 2 fucceffor is appointed iii. 166 Secretary of State fhall caufe an edition of the laws of Congrefs in force at the end of the feffion, in 1796, to be printed and collated, together with the treaties, and a a complete index to the whole

230 fhall tranfmit four thousand five hundred copies to the executive of each ftate, according to the ratio of reprefentation, to be by them depofited at fuch convenient places as the legiflature or executive may direct, and to referve five hundred copies for the future difpofition of Congrefs

231 fhall print five thousand fets of the laws at the end of each feffion, to be diftributed as aforefaid 231 -to include in the above-me...ioned edition, acts paffed in feffion of 1797


-fhall fend a copy of the act, for the protection and relief of American feamen, to the minifters and confuls of the United States, refiding in foreign coun



fhall prepare the form of a paffport for fhips and veffels to be approved of by the Prefident of the United States


-one of the commiffioners to purchase the public debt i. 268

-one of the commiffioners of the finking fund it. 117

States, powers of, limited

-new, how admitted into the union

-their government guaranteed

to be protected

i. 11, 12




18. 26


iii. 69

-legiflatures of, to take oath to fupport the conftitution

debts of, affumed

-balance due to, provided for

-may transfer ftock standing to their credit,

Stealing of records, how punished

of property

Stills, duty on

to be entered at the office of infpection
-owners of, relieved in certain cafes

Stock in the funds, how transferred

[blocks in formation]

-in the bank, amount of, limited Subscribers to the bank incorporated Sugar, refined, duty on

Supervisors of the revenue established -their duty

may not be concerned in trade

[blocks in formation]

iii. 85


-fhall grant licenfes to retail wine and foreign diftilled fpirits

fhall direct the collection of duties on refined fugar94 fhall grant licences to auctioneers


-fhall direct the collection of the duty on carriages3 28 -fhall decide in cafe of difputes refpecting carriages332 Supreme-court, (See Judiciary)

Surplus-fund established

Surveys of infpection established

Surveyors of ports,


Sweden, treaty with


[blocks in formation]

Surveyor to be appointed at New-Brunswick

Superintendant of military ftores, his duty

Symmes, purchase of land by


Tare of articles, allowance for

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Tender, what money fhall be, in payment of debts ii. 161

Tenneffee, ftate of, admitted into the union, and to have

one representative

-laws of United States extended to

-to be one diftrict, and to have a diftrict-court

iii. 361


-time and place of holding diftri&t-courts


falary of the judge eight hundred dollars


diftrict of Kentucky

-the judge to have all the power of the judge of the


-to be one collection-diftri&


-a collector to be appointed, his falary



Territory belonging to the United States, how to be go


western, act for governing

-ordinance for

Teft, religious, not to be required

Theft, how punished

i. 17

32/ ii. 559 i. 18,


Titles of nobility not to be granted

to be renounced in cafe of naturalization

Tonnage of veffels, how afcertained

-duties on

-how collected

i. 11 iii. 164

i. 221



Trade, coafting, regulated, (see Coafting-Trade)

with the Indians regulated

Transfer of veffels regulated

-of ftock in the funds

ii. 168

iii. 306

ii. 147

i. 152

of stock standing to the credit of certain ftates iii 151

Treafon defined, and how to be proved

how punifhed

-not to work corruption of blood

Treasurer, (see Treasury, Department of )


i. 16

100 i. 16.

Secretary of the treasury to be the head of the department i. 36

his duty is to digeft and prepare plans for the improvement and management of the revenue, and for the fupport of public credit-to prepare and report estimates of the public revenue, and public expenditures to fuperintend the collection of the revenueto decide on the form of keeping and ftating accounts, and making returns-to grant all warrants for money to be issued from the treasury in pursuance of lawto execute fuch fervices relative to the fale of the western lands as fhall be required of him by law--to make report, and give information to either branch of the legislature in perfon, or in writing, as he may be required, refpecting all matters referred to him by the Senate and House of Representatives, or which fhall appertain to his office: and generally, to perform all fervices relative to the finances which he fhall be directed to perform.

i. 36 -may appoint fuch clerks in the treasury department as he fhall fhall judge neceffary 41 -his falary, three thoufand five hundred dollars 40 -authorised to provide by contracts, to be approved by the Prefident, for re-building, and keeping in repair, light-houses, beacons, buoys, and public piers, and furnishing the fame with neceffary supplies, and to agree for the wages of perfons appointed by the PreGdent to fuperintend the fame


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