An Ordination JOHN 21. 15. 16. JESUS faid to Simon Peter, Simon Son of Jonas, loveft thou me more than these? He faith unto him, yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He faith unto him, feed my Lambs. He faith to him again the second Time, Simon, Son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He faith unto him, yea, Lord; thou knoweft that I love thee. He faith unto him feed my Sheep. SR UR Lord JESUS CHRIST, that great Shepherd of the Sheep, defirous of confirming his Difciples in the Belief of his Refur☑rection from the Dead, (upon the Truth and Certainty whereof depended all their Hopes of Salvation) was pleased, after several other Appearances to them in Je A rufalem, rufalem, to shew himself again in Galilee, where he had appointed to meet them, and found them employed in fishing. Mat. 28. 10. But they having caught nothing the preceeding Night, our Saviour was pleased in a miraculous Way to make Provision for them, and did probably eat and drink with them, not to fatisfy his Hunger, but to confirm the Truth of his Refurrection. (a) So when they had dined, Jesus saith unto Simon Peter, Simon Son of Jonas lovest thou me more than these? That is, more than thy Nets; than thy Fish; than thy Friends that are here about thee; more than the rest of my Disciples love me? For fo he had profefsfed, when he told our Saviour, "tho' all Men should be offended "because of thee, yet, I will never be of" fended." Hereupon he modeftly asserts the Truth and Sincerity, not the Degree of his Love. Lord, thou knoweft that I love thee, &c. In the Words of my Text we may take Notice more especially of these three Things, viz (4) John 21. 12. 13. 14. ift. The ist. The Person spoken of: and that is Simon Peter, a Servant and an Apostle of JESUS CHRIST: one commiffioned by him to preach the Gofpel. (b) 2d. The Testimony of his own Confcience, concerning his Love to his Lord and Master. He appeals to Chrift for the Truth of it; Lord thou knowest that I love thee. The Love of God was now shed abroad in his Heart by the Holy Ghost which was given unto him. (c) 3d. Chrift's Approbation of him, relative to the Work of the Ministry, and Encouragement to a due Difcharge of it, from the Confideration of this Love; this divine Principle implanted in him; which includes a regenerating Change, a Being born of the Spirit, and being made a Partaker of the Divine Nature. The Apostle having thus afferted his Love, Christ hereupon faith unto him, Feed my Lambs. Feed my Sheep. In which Words, I conceive, an implicit Intimation of the Excellency and great Neceffity of fanctifying Grace, in those who are employed in the Work of the Ministry; as they are thereby best qualified to feed the Sheep (b) 2. Pet. 1. 1. (c) Rom. 5. 5. Sheep and Lambs of Chrift, and teach others the Doctrines of Grace. Therefore, as Mr. Henry obferves, "Before Christ would com" mit his Sheep to Simon Peter's Care, he "asked him, lovest thou me? Those that do not love Christ will never truely love the " Souls of Men, nor will naturally care for " their State as they should; nor will that "Minifter love his Work that doth not love "his Master. The Doctrinal Truth, which I shall take under Confideration at this Time is this, namely, That it is a great Advantage unto, and a very necessary Qualification for fuch as are imployed in the Work of the Gofpel Miniftry, that they be endowed with sanctifying Grace; a principle of Love to Chrift. This Doctrine I shall attempt to illustrate briefly, and with great Plainness, under the following Propofitions, viz. 1st. "Tis the Will of God, that there should be an Order of Men to preach the Word, and carry on the Work of the Gofpel Miniftry. 2d. Some 2. Some 2d. Some are called unto, and employed in this Work. 3d. It is a great Advantage unto, and a necessary Qualification for fuch Mien to be endowed with fanctifying Grace; that they fincerely love the Lord Jesus Christ. : 1. It is the Will of God there should be an Order of Men to preach the Word, and carry on the Work of the Gospel Ministry. Preaching the Word is one special Part of the Minifterial Work. This was the Business of the Apostles, and for which they were feparated by that Commission and Command of our Lord. 'Go ye therefore and teach all • Nations; &c (d) Or that 'Go ye into all ' the World, and preach the Gofpel to every • Creature.' (e) And this is the Office and Business of the ordinary Ministers of the Gofpel: and to be continued to the End of the World; as we learn from those Words of our Saviour, 'Lo I am with you alway even unto the End of the World.' (f) That is, not only his Apostles, but with all his Minifters successively, whom God shall qualify, and call to the Work of the Miniftry begun in them. (4) Mat. 28. 19. (e) Mark 16. 15. (5) Mat. 28. 20. |