ADVERTISEMENT. THE design of the following compilation is to assist Candidates for Holy Orders in preparing the papers necessary to be submitted to the Bishop of the Diocese for his approval, before examination; and to save both time and expence to Clergymen wishing to resign Ecclesiastical Preferments, or to obtain Dispensations for Pluralities. perpetual curacy 7 8 10 13 18 19 21 22 32 When upon petition of the patron to be licensed to a perpetual curacy For admission to a donative collation institution to a benefice induction to a benefice reading in, and the other forms to be observed after The act of parliament relating to the residence of the clergy, and maintenance of stipendiary curates in England Index to the act 165 APPENDIX. PAGE Bond wherein a clerk is bound at his institution to the bishop 140 Bond to resign a living when patron's son is qualified to take priest's orders 143 Bond on sequestration of the fruits and profits of a church 159 Certificates of the values and distance of the livings for a dispensation, when the benefices are not in the same diocese 156 Chaplainship to a bishop 145 Letter of attorney to present on the first avoidance of a living 146 Letter of attorney to receive the fruits and profits of a |