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Edward Earle of CLARENDON, Lord High CHANCELLOR of England and Chancellor of the University of Oxford.AnDni.1667.





Begun in the Year 1641.

With the precedent Passages, and Actions, that contri-
buted thereunto, and the happy End, and Conclufion
thereof by the KING'S blessed RESTORATION, and
RETURN, upon the 29th of May, in the Year 1660.

Written by the Right Honourable



Late Lord High Chancellor of England, Privy Counsellor in
the Reigns of King CHARLES the First and the Second.

Κλῆμα ἐς ἀεί. Thucyd.

Ne quid Falfi dicere audeat, ne quid Veri non audeat. Cicero.



Printed at the THEATER, An. Dom. MDCCXVII.

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O Your Majesty is most humbly Dedicated this this Second Part of the History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars, written by Edward Earl of Clarendon. For to whom so naturally can the Works of this Author, treating of the Times of Your Royal Grandfather, be address'd, as to Your Self; now wearing, with Lustre and Glory, that Crown, which, in those unhappy days, was treated with so much contempt and barbarity, and laid low even to the Duft?

This Second Part comes with the greater confidence into Your Presence, by the advantage of the favourable reception the First bath met with in the World 3 since it is not to be doubted, but the same truth, fairness, and impartiality, that will be found throughout the whole thread of the History, will meet with the same Candour

from all equal Judges.

Vol. II. Part 1.

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'Tis true, some few Persons, whose Ancestors are here found not to have had that part during their lives which would have been more agreeable to the wishes of their Surviving Posterity, have been offended at some particu lars, mention'd in this History, concerning so near Relations, and would have them pass for mistaken Informations. But it is to be hoped, that such a concern of Kindred for their Families, though not blameable in them, will rather appear partial on Their fide; fince it cannot be doubted, but this Author must have had his materials from undeniable, and unexceptionable hands, and could have no temptation to infert any thing, but the truth in a work of this nature, which was design'd to remain to Posterity, as a faithful record of Things, and Perfons in those Times, and of his own unquestionable fincerity in the representation of them.

In this affurance it is humbly boped, it will not be unprofitable to Your Majesty to be here inform'd of the fatal and undeseru'd misfortunes of one of Your Ancestors, with the particular and sad occasions of them; the better to direct Your Royal Person through the continual uncertainties of the Greatness of this World. And as Your Majesty cannot have a better Guide, throughout the whole Course of Your Reign, for the good Administration of Your Government, than History in general, so there cannot be a more useful one to Your Majesty than this of Your own Kingdoms; and it is prefum'd, without lying under the Imputation of misleading Your Majesty, it may be afferted that no Author could have been better inftructed, and have known more of the Times and Matters of which he writes, than this who is bere presented to You.

Your Majesty may depend upon his Relations to be true in Fact, and You will find his Obfervations just; bis Reflections made with judgement and weight; and his Advices given upon wife and honeft Principles; not capable of being now interpreted as fubfervient to any Ambition or Interest of his own; and having now out tind the Prejudices and Partialities of the Times in which they were Written. And Your Majesty thus Elevated, as by God's blessfings You are, from whom a great many


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