THE SCOTCH MINISTER'S ASSISTANT, OR A Collection OF FORM S, FOR Celebrating the Ordinances of MARRIAGE, BAPTISM, and the OF THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND, WITH SUITABLE DEVOTIONS FOR CHURCH AND FAMILY WORSHIP. Inverness: PRINTED, AND SOLD BY YOUNG AND IMRAY. SOLD ALSO BY F. & C. RIVINGTON, LONDON; A. GUTHRIE, EDIN- + 542 ADVERTISEMENT. THE HE Forms contained in the following collection, with a very few exceptions, were originally composed by the Author for his own use; and under the impression that they may be found calculated to assist the devotion of the well-disposed reader, and likewise to gratify the curiosity of those of a different communion, who may be desirous to know the religious forms of our church, they are now committed to the press. It has often been complained of as a considerable disadvantage, that there are no Forms prescribed by the Church of Scotland for celebrating Marriage, Baptism and the Lord's Supper. Every Clergyman is left to exercise his own talents upon such occasions, with no |