The Lost Key of the BuddhaGreat AD-Ventures, 2003 - 339 pages For thousands of years it has been assumed that the core teaching of the Buddha - the Middle Way - has been understood - But has it? In this book an Immortal who was the beloved disciple of Siddhartha reveals otherwise - that there is a lost key to restore the teaching of the master. |
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Table des matières
Section 1 | 1 |
Section 2 | 39 |
Section 3 | 66 |
Section 4 | 67 |
Section 5 | 74 |
Section 6 | 75 |
Section 7 | 106 |
Section 8 | 131 |
Section 10 | 178 |
Section 11 | 179 |
Section 12 | 204 |
Section 13 | 205 |
Section 14 | 231 |
Section 15 | 299 |
Section 16 | |
Section 17 | |
Expressions et termes fréquents
Aeton Aquarian Age asked Elizabeth attack attention believe body Brotherhood of Light Buddha Buddhists called Christ consciousness correct Course in Miracles Dark Brotherhood Dark Brothers Dark Master decision desire disciple Dom Pérignon Dweller earth elephant energy entity evil Excalibur exclaimed eyes fear feel felt force Four Noble Truths future gather give guess hand happens heard heaven higher higher consciousness Holy human Ja-han Jesus John judge judgment key word laughed lives looked majority mean ment Middle midway point mind move movie negative never Nirvana Noble Eightfold Path pain paused pendulum Perhaps Philo Piscean Age planet pleasure point of truth Presence principle problem realize replied right action scripture second key seeker seemed sense smiled soul spiritual suppose sure sword teach tell thing thought tion told true tune turned vision Wayne wild cards