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" Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the Church, by Christ Jesus, throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. "
The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacrements... - Page 114
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The Baptist Magazine, Volume 21

1829 - 610 pages Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us — unto Him be glory...Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. TJ JEFFERY. Lambeth, July 22, 1029. THE EXCELLENCY OF THE GOSPEL. ( Continued from p. 304. ) IV. Its...
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Sacred History, Selected from the Scriptures: With Annotations and ..., Volume 5

Mrs. Trimmer (Sarah) - 1810 - 438 pages
...thee. And his servant was healed in the self-same hour. And it came to pass .the day after, that he went into a city called Nain ; and many of his disciples...people. Now when he came nigh to the gate of the city, be. hold, there was a dead man car;ried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow : and...
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The Works of the Rev. John Wesley, Volume 7

John Wesley - 1811 - 468 pages
...Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory...throughout all ages, world without end.— Amen!" SERMON IV. SCRIPTURAL CHRISTIANITY : PREACHED AT ST. MARY'S, OXFORD, BEFORE THE UNIVERSITY, ON AUGUST...
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The Great Importance of a Religious Life Considered: To which are Added ...

William Melmoth - 1812 - 412 pages
...NOW unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly, above all that we can ask or think, according 'to the power that worketh in us ; unto him be glory...Jesus, throughout all ages, world without end. Amen 0. ? MEDIMEDITATIONS and PRAYERS for the EVENING. passed over the day, I render hearty thanks to tliee,...
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Evangelical Magazine and Missionary Chronicle, Volume 25

1847 - 760 pages
...attained. " Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we aak or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory...Jesus, throughout all ages, world without end. Amen." KM. ELIZABETH GERVIS OPIK. "No fear! happy — perfectly happy!'1 were amongst the last words which...
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The Book of Common Prayer: And Administration of the Sacraments, and Other ...

Church of England - 1815 - 450 pages
...God. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be without end. Amen. The Gospel. St. Luke vii. 1 1. AN D it came to pass the day after, that Jesus went into a city called Naim; and many of his disciples...
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A Compendium of the Religious Doctrines, Religious and Moral Precepts ...

1815 - 294 pages
...God. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory...Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and...
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Sermons, and Other Discourses ...

Samuel Lavington - 1815 - 622 pages
...Jesus. " Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us ; unto him be glory...Jesus, throughout all ages, world without end. Amen." • • . i.; • SERMON XXVL « • ON DEATH. > I DEUT. xxxir. 29. • ' ' O7 that they were wise,...
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The New evangelical magazine and theological review, Volume 10

1824 - 452 pages to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that work«th in us; unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus,...throughout all ages, world without end, AMEN." The other principle, which I suppose will be admitted, is, that the apostles rigidly adhered to all positive...
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Sermons on the epistles or gospels for the Sundays throughout the year, Volume 2

Richard Warner - 1816 - 422 pages
...Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. - 443 SERMON XLVII. [For the Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity.] LUKE vii. 11. And it came to pass the day after, that...many of his disciples went with him, and much people. - - - 357 SERMON XLVIII. [For the Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity.] EPHESIANS iv. 1. / therefore,...
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