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" ... last one was not able to approach it, so that they were forced to stand still, and let the flames burn on, which they did, for near two miles in length and one in breadth. "
St. Paul's Cathedral - Page 154
de Edwin Beresford Chancellor, Edward A. Foord - 1925 - 191 pages
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The Plain Englishman [ed. by C. Knight and E.H. Locker]., Volume 1

Charles Knight - 1820 - 636 pages
...breadth. The clouds of smoke were dismal, and reached upon computation near fifty miles in length. Thus I left it this afternoon burning, a resemblance of Sodom, or the last day. London was, but is BO more ! 4. The burning still rages, and It was now gotten as far as the Inner...
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Chambers's Cyclopædia of English Literature: A History ..., Volumes 3 à 4

Robert Chambers - 1830 - 844 pages
...were diemall, and rcach'd upon computation neer 50 miles in length. Thus I left it this afternoone — плп pnim hie habemw stabilem ciintatf'm : the ruins resembling the picture of Troy. London was....
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Lives of eminent Christians, Volume 1

Richard Brindley Hone - 1833 - 414 pages
...The clouds also of smoke were dismal, and reached upon computation near fifty miles in length. Thus I left it this afternoon burning, a resemblance of...last day. It forcibly called to my mind that passage — We have here no abiding city ; the ruins resembling the picture of Troy. London was, but is no...
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The Historical Cabinet: Containing Authentic Accounts of Many Remarkable and ...

1834 - 562 pages
...breadth. The clouds of smoke were dismal, and reached upon computation, near fifty miles in length. Thus I left it this afternoon burning, a resemblance of Sodom or the last day. London was, but is no more! 4th Sept. — The burning still rages, and it is now g-otten as far as...
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The Church of England magazine [afterw.] The Church of ..., Volumes 4 à 5

1838 - 950 pages, who now saw above 10,000 houses all in one 8ame. . . . Thus I left it this afternoon (-tth Sept.) burning, a resemblance of Sodom, or the last day. It forcibly called to my mind that passage, ' We have here no abiding city.' .... In this calamitous condition I returned with a sad heart to my...
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Visitor: Or Monthly Instructor

1844 - 490 pages
...The clouds also of smoke were dismal, and reached upon computation near fifty miles in length. Thus I left it this afternoon burning ; a resemblance of Sodom, or the last day. London was, but is no more ! So I returned." All was confusion : the people thronged every avenue,...
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England in the seventeenth century; or, A history of the reigns of the house ...

England - 1845 - 478 pages
...The clouds also of smoke were dismal, and reached upon computation near fifty miles in length, Thus I left it this afternoon burning ; a resemblance of Sodom, or the last day. London was, but is no more ! So I returned." All was confusion : the people thronged every avenue,...
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An Antiquarian Ramble in the Streets of London, with Anecdotes of ..., Volume 2

John Thomas Smith - 1846 - 484 pages
...clouds, also, of smoke were dismal, and reached, npon computation, near fifty miles in length. Thus I left it this afternoon burning, a resemblance mind that passage, non enim hie habemus stabilem civitatem ; the ruins resembling the picture of Troy. London teasbut is no more ! Thus I returned....
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Half-hours with the best authors, selected by C. Knight, Volume 1

Half hours - 1847 - 614 pages
...breadth. The clouds of smoke were dismal, and reached upon computation near fifty miles in length. Thus I left it this afternoon burning, a resemblance of Sodom, or the last day. London was, but is no more ! 4. The burning still rages, and it has now gotten as far as the Inner...
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Diary and Correspondence of John Evelyn, Volume 2

John Evelyn - 1850 - 416 pages
...clouds, also, of smoke were dismal, and reached, upon computation, near fifty miles in length. Thus, I left it this afternoon burning, a resemblance of...mind that passage — non enim hie habemus stabilem civitatem : the ruins resembling the picture of Troy. London was, but is no more ! Thus, I returned....
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