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" On such reconsideration if two-thirds of the members elected agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent with the objections to the other house, by which it shall be reconsidered. "
Report of the Proceedings and Debates in the Convention to Revise the ... - Page xxv
de Michigan. Constitutional Convention - 1850 - 937 pages
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Manual of Government in the United States

Robert Kent Gooch - 1939 - 856 pages
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The Southeastern Reporter, Volume 14

1892 - 1048 pages
...objections, to the other house, by which it shall likewise be considered, and, if appro ved by a majority of the members elected to that house, it shall become a law, notwithstanding the objections of the governor. " I interpret this action of the governor to be deliberative,...
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University of Michigan Publications: History and political science, Volume 13

1940 - 660 pages
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The Alabama Lawyer: Official Organ State Bar of Alabama, Volume 20

1959 - 460 pages
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Government and Politics in Alabama

William Vernon Holloway, Charles William Smith - 1941 - 242 pages
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Southern Reporter: Cases argued and determined in the courts of Alabama ...

1951 - 978 pages
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Reference Book, Virginia House of Delegates: Rules of the House of Delegates ...

Edward Griffith Dodson - 1942 - 284 pages
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Revised Statutes of Nebraska: Comprising All the Statutory Laws of ..., Volume 2

Nebraska - 1956 - 888 pages
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Florida Becomes a State

Florida State Library - 1945 - 542 pages
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Bulletin, Numéro 30

Pennsylvania. Legislative Reference Bureau - 1945 - 184 pages
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