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" V. And whereas the happiness of a blessed peace between these kingdoms, denied in former times to our progenitors, is, by the good providence of GOD, granted unto us, and hath been lately concluded and settled by both Parliaments ; we shall each one of... "
Historical Remarks on the Ancient and Present State of the Cities of London ... - Page 36
de R. B. - 1810 - 178 pages
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Archaeologia Cantiana, Volume 27

1905 - 516 pages
...progenitors is by the good prouideuce of god granted unto us, and hath been lately concluded and setled by both parliaments, we shall each one of us according to our place and interest indeuour that they mayremaine conioyued in a firme peace and union to all posterity, and that iustice...
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The Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution, 1625-1660

Samuel Rawson Gardiner - 1906 - 548 pages
...them for that effect, shall judge convenient. V. And whereas the happiness of a blessed peace between these kingdoms, denied in former times to our progenitors, is by the good providence of God, granted to us, and hath been lately concluded and settled by both Parliaments : we shall each one of us, according...
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Select Documents of English Constitutional History

George Burton Adams, Henry Morse Stephens - 1906 - 588 pages
...effect, shall judge convenient. V. And whereas the happiness of a blessed peace between these king loms, denied in former times to our progenitors, is by the good providence of God granted to us, and hath been lately concluded and settled by both Parliaments : we shall each one of us, according...
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The Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution, 1625-1660

Samuel Rawson Gardiner - 1906 - 572 pages
...them for that effect, shall judge convenient. V. And whereas the happiness of a blessed peace between these kingdoms, denied in former times to our progenitors, is by the good providence of Qod granted to us, and hath been lately concluded and settled by both Parliaments : we shall each one...
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The British colonies, The United States (early colonial period)

Henry Smith Williams - 1907 - 712 pages
...them for that effect, shall judge convenient. And whereas the happiness of a blessed peace between these kingdoms, denied in former times to our progenitors, is by the good providence of Goo. granted to us, and hath been lately concluded and settled by both parliaments: we shall each one...
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The Covenanters: A History of the Church in Scotland from the ..., Volume 1

James King Hewison - 1908 - 584 pages
...shall judge convenient. 5. And whereas the happinesse of a blessed Peace between these Kingdoms, denyed in former times to our Progenitors, is by the good...interest, endeavour that they may remain conjoyned in a firme Peace and Union to all Posterity, And that Justice may be done upon the willfull Opposers thereof,...
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Select Documents of English Constitutional History

George Burton Adams, Henry Morse Stephens - 1916 - 588 pages
...them for that effect, shall judge convenient. V. And whereas the happiness of a blessed peace between these kingdoms, denied in former times to our progenitors, is by the good providence of God granted to us, and hath been lately concluded and settled by both Parliaments : we shall each one of us, according...
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The history of creeds

Philip Schaff - 1919 - 966 pages
...for that effect, shall judge convenient. * V. And whereas the happiness of a blessed peace between these kingdoms, denied in former times to our progenitors,...each one of us, according to our place and interest, endeavor that they may remain conjoined in a firm peace and union to all posterity, and that justice...
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The Stuart Constitution, 1603-1688: Documents and Commentary

J. P. Kenyon - 1986 - 504 pages
...them for that effect, shall judge convenient. V. And whereas the happiness of a blessed peace between these kingdoms, denied in former times to our progenitors, is by the good providence of God granted to us, and hath been lately concluded and settled by both parliaments; we shall each one of us, according...
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Religion and Society in Early Modern England: A Sourcebook

David Cressy, Lori Anne Ferrell - 1996 - 228 pages
...these kingdoms, denied in former times to our progenitors, is by the good providence of God granted to us, and hath been lately concluded and settled by...parliaments: we shall each one of us, according to our places and interest, endeavour that they may remain conjoined in a firm peace and union to all posterity,...
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