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" but not lost. All day thy wings have fanned, At that far height, the cold, thin atmosphere, Yet stoop not, weary, to the welcome land, Though the dark night is near. And soon that toil shall end; Soon shalt thou "
The Christian Remembrancer - Page 296
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The Gem book of poesie, by the author of 'The ancient poets and poetry of ...

Gem book - 1846 - 398 pages
...coast— The desert and illimitable air— Lone wandering, but not lost. All day thy wings have fann'd, At that far height, the cold, thin atmosphere, Yet...near. And soon that toil shall end, Soon shalt thou find a summer home, and rest And scream among thy fellows; reeds shall bend Soon o'er thy shelter'd...
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Hymns for the Christian Church and Home

James Martineau - 1846 - 538 pages
...way along that pathless coast,— The desert and illimitable air,— Lone wandering, but not lost. 5 All day thy wings have fanned, At that far height, the welcome land, Though the dark night is near. 6 And soon that toil shall end ; Soon shalt thou find a summer home, and rest And scream among thy...
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Sacred Philosophy of the Seasons: Illustrating the Perfections of ..., Volume 4

Henry Duncan - 1847 - 430 pages Teaches thy way along that pathless coast,— The desert and illimitable air,— Lone wandering, but not lost. All day thy wings have fanned, At that...night is near. And soon that toil shall end ; Soon slialt thou find a summer home, and rest And scream among thy fellows ; reeds shall bend Soon o'er...
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Chambers's Miscellany of Useful and Entertaining Tracts

William Chambers, Robert Chambers - 1847 - 850 pages Teaches thy way along that pathless coast— The desert and illimitable air— Lone wandering, but not lost. All day thy wings have fanned, At that...night is near. And soon that toil shall end, Soon shall thou find a summer home, and rest, And scream among thy fellows; reeds shall bend Soon o'er thy...
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William Cullen Bryant - 1847 - 520 pages
...way along that pathless coast,— The desert and illimitable air,— Lone wandering, but not lost. DI All day thy wings have fanned, At that far height,...near. And soon that toil shall end ; Soon shalt thou find a summer home, and rest, And scream among thy fellows; reeds shall bend, Soon, o'er thy sheltered...
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Gems of Poetry, from Forty-eight American Poets: Embracing the Most Popular ...

1848 - 276 pages
...illimitable air,— Lone wandering, but not lost. N PUBLIC UBRAR7 ASTOR, L*NOX TILDfcN FOUNDATIONS All day thy wings have fanned, At that far height,...near. And soon that toil shall end, Soon shalt thou find a summer home, and rest, And scream among thy fellows ; reeds shall bend, Soon, o'er thy sheltered...
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Reading lessons for the higher classes in classical, middle and diocesan schools

William Balmbro'. Flower - 1848 - 304 pages
...thy way along that pathless coast The desert and illimitable air— Lone wandering, but not lost. M 2 All day thy wings have fanned, At that far height,...dark night is near. And soon that toil shall end; So shalt thou find a summer home, and rest, And scream among thy fellows ; reeds shall bend Soon o'er...
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The Cottage Garland; Or, Poems on the Love of Flowers, Kindness to Animals ...

1848 - 124 pages
...coast,— The desert and illimitable air,— Lone wandering, but not lost. All day thy wings have fann'd, At that far height, the cold thin atmosphere, Yet...near. And soon that toil shall end : Soon shalt thou find a summer home, and rest, And scream among thy fellows; reeds shall bend, Soon, o'er thy shelter'd...
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Poetic Prism, Or, Original and Reflected Rays from Modern Verse Sacred and ...

Robert Northmore Greville - 1848 - 434 pages
...coast— The desert and illimitable air— Lone wandering, but not lost. All day thy wings have fann'd At that far height the cold thin atmosphere, Yet stoop...near. And soon that toil shall end— Soon shalt thou find a summer-home, and rest, And scream among thy fellows; reeds shall bend Soon o'er thy shelter'd...
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The Poets and Poetry of America: With an Historical Introduction

Rufus Wilmot Griswold - 1848 - 584 pages
...coast,— The desert and illimitable air,— Lone wandering, but not lost AH day thy wings have fann'd, At that far height, the cold, thin atmosphere, Yet...night is near. And soon that toil shall end ; Soon shah thou find a summer home, and rest, And scream among thy fellows; reeds shall bend, Soon, o'er...
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