Awaked the need-fire's slumbering brand, And ruddy blush'd the heaven : For a sheet of flame, from the turret high, Waved like a blood-flag on the sky, All flaring and uneven ; And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and hill, and cliff, were... Shore and Sea; Or, Stories of Great Vikings and Sea-captains - Page 28de William Henry Davenport Adams - 1883 - 348 pagesAffichage du livre entier - À propos de ce livre
 | William Gideon Michael Jones Barker - 1854 - 366 pages
...accidental fire on *he eastern hills for the beacon on Roseberry Topping, fired his own instantly. " And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and...they glanced to sight As stars arise upon the night." Great alarm ensued. The bells were rung, the drums beat to arms, and the volunteers mustered immediately.... | |
 | sir Walter Scott (bart.) - 1855 - 590 pages
...sheet of flame, from the turret high, Waved like a blood-flag on the sky, All flaring and uneven ; And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and...they glanced to sight, As stars arise upon the night. They gleam'd on many a dusky tarn,* Haunted by the lonely earn ;f On many a cairn's grey pyramid, Where... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1855 - 912 pages
...sheet of flame, from the turret higli, Waved like a blood-flag on the sky. All flaring and uneven ; And soon a score of fires, I ween. From height, and hill, and clilf were seen ; Each with warlike tiding* fraught ; I See Append)!. Note « 8. > Muunt far Brantsamt... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1856 - 776 pages
...a sneet of flame, from the turret high, Waved like a blood-flag on the sky All flaring and uneven ; And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and...they glanced to sight, As stars arise upon the night. They gleam'd on many a dusky tarn,* Haunted by the lonely earn ;e On many a cairn's21 grey pyramid,... | |
 | John Wilson - 1857 - 480 pages
...a sheet of flame, from the turret high, Waved like a blood-flag on the sky, All flaring and uneven. And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and...they glanced to sight, As stars arise upon the night. They gleam'd on many a dusky tarn, Haunted by the louely earn ; On many a cairn's grey pyramid, Where... | |
 | John Wilson - 1857 - 480 pages
...a sheet of flame, from the turret high, Waved like a blood-flag on the sky, All flaring and uneven. And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and...they glanced to sight, As stars arise upon the night. They gleam'd on many a dusky tarn, Haunted by the lonely earn ; On many a cairn's grey pyramid, Where... | |
 | Sir Walter Scott - 1857 - 444 pages
...sheet of flame, from the turret high, Waved like a blood-flag on the sky, All flaring and uneven ; And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and...they glanced to sight, As stars arise upon the night. They gleamed on many a dusky tarn,2 Haunted by the lonely earn ;8 On many a cairn's* gray pyramid,... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1857 - 444 pages
...sheet of flame, from the turret high, Waved like a blood-flag on the sky, All flaring and uneven ; And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and...with warlike tidings fraught ; Each from each the sigual caught ; Each after each they glanced to sight, As stars arise upon the night. They gleamed... | |
 | John Marius Wilson - 1858 - 100 pages rush to arms for repelling an irruption. Hence the words in the "Lay of the Last Minstrel :"— " A score of fires, I ween, From height and hill and...each the signal caught; Each after each they glanced in sight, As stars arise upon the night; They gleam'd on many a dusky tarn, Haunted by the lonely earn,... | |
 | D C. Maccarthy - 1859 - 394 pages
...the signal to all the others of an incursion ; and thus the whole country was alarmed in a few hours. "A score of fires I ween, From height, and hill, and...each the signal caught ; Each after each they glanced in sight, As stars arise upon thj night. They gleam 'd on many a dusky tarn, Haunted by the lonely... | |
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