Awaked the need-fire's slumbering brand, And ruddy blush'd the heaven : For a sheet of flame, from the turret high, Waved like a blood-flag on the sky, All flaring and uneven ; And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and hill, and cliff, were... Shore and Sea; Or, Stories of Great Vikings and Sea-captains - Page 28de William Henry Davenport Adams - 1883 - 348 pagesAffichage du livre entier - À propos de ce livre
 | Daniel Gorrie - 1868 - 410 pages
...For a sheet of flame from the turret tower Wafed like a blood-flag on the sky All flaming and uneven. And soon a score of fires, I ween From height and...Each from each the signal caught Each after each they gleamed to sight, As stars arise upon the night. Then gleamed on many a dusky tarn, Haunted by the... | |
 | Daniel Gorrie - 1868 - 404 pages
...a sheet of flame from the turret tower \Vafed like a blood-flag on the sky All flaming and uneven. And soon a score of fires, I ween From height and...Each from each the signal caught Each after each they gleamed to sight, As stars arise upon the night. Then gleamed on many a dusky tarn, Haunted by the... | |
 | 1868 - 374 pages
...comets, and startling the night : — " A score of fires From height, and hill, and cliff were seenv Each with warlike tidings fraught, Each from each...they glanced to sight As stars arise upon the night." The antiquities in the neighbourhood of Penrith axes very numerous and interesting. We propose describing... | |
 | Daniel Gorrie - 1868 - 402 pages
...For a sheet of flame from the turret tower Wafed like a blood-flag on the sky All flaming and uneven. And soon a score of fires, I ween From height and hill and cliff we re seen, Each with warlike tidings fraught, Each from each the signal caught Each after each they... | |
 | William Chambers, Robert Chambers - 1869 - 526 pages
...sheet of flame, from the turret high, Waved like a blood-flag on the sky, All flaring and uneven ; And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and...they glanced to sight, As stars arise upon the night. They gleamed on many a dusky tarn, Haunted by the lonely earn ; On many a cairn's gray pyramid, Where... | |
 | Chambers W. and R., ltd - 1869 - 276 pages
...sheet of flame, from the turret high, Waved like a blood-flag on the sky, All flaring and uneven ; And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and...they glanced to sight, As stars arise upon the night. They gleamed on many a dusky tarn, Haunted by the lonely earn ; On many a cairn's gray pyramid, Where... | |
 | 1869 - 254 pages
...sheet of flame, from the turret high, Waved like a blood-flag on the sky, All flaring and uneven ; And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and...they glanced to sight, As stars arise upon the night. They gleam'd on many a dusky tarn Haunted by the lonely earn : On many a cairn's grey pyramid, Where... | |
 | sir Walter Scott (bart.) - 1872 - 178 pages
...sheet of flame, from the turret high, Waved like a blood-flag on the sky, All flaring and uneven ; And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and...they glanced to sight, As stars arise upon the night. They gleam'd on many a dusky tarn, Haunted by the lonely earn ; On many a cairn's grey pyramid, Where... | |
 | William Henry Davenport Adams - 1873 - 272 pages
...the other, to Freshwater and Mottistone, and "the sea-shore at Brighstone." And soon a score offices, I ween, From height, and hill, and cliff, were seen....they glanced to sight, As stars arise upon the night. Other regulations made by the inhabitants for their security have been preserved by Sir Richard Worsley... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1873 - 614 pages
...a sheet of flame, from the turret high, Waved like a blood-flag on the sky All flaring and uneven ; And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and...cliff, were seen ; Each with warlike tidings fraught ; F.ach from each the signal caught ; Each after each they glanced to sight, As stars arise upon the... | |
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