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" Awaked the need-fire's slumbering brand, And ruddy blush'd the heaven : For a sheet of flame, from the turret high, Waved like a blood-flag on the sky, All flaring and uneven ; And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and hill, and cliff, were... "
Shore and Sea; Or, Stories of Great Vikings and Sea-captains - Page 28
de William Henry Davenport Adams - 1883 - 348 pages
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The Lay of the Last Minstrel

Walter Scott - 1886 - 254 pages
...flaring and uneven. And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height and hill and cliff were seen, 380 Each with warlike tidings fraught ; Each from each...they glanced to sight, As stars arise upon the night. They gleamed on many a dusky tarn, Haunted by the lonely earn ; On many a cairn's gray pyramid, Where...
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Lay of the Last Minstrel

Walter Scott - 1886 - 214 pages
...a sheet of flame, from the turret high, Waved like a blood-flag on the sky, All flaring and uneven. And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and hill, and cliff, were seen; 380 Each with warlike tidings fraught ; Each from each the signal caught ; Each after each they glanced...
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All the Year Round, Volume 38 ;Volume 58

Charles Dickens - 1886 - 586 pages
...the note of war was heard along the Borders, was repeated from tower to tower all along Tweedside, And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and hill, and clitf were seen, till the alarm reached the inmost recesses of the valley, and died away among the...
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The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Baronet: Ed. with a Careful Revision ...

Walter Scott - 1888 - 682 pages
...For a sheet of flame from the turret high Waved like a blood-flag on the sky, All flaring and uneven. And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height and...they glanced to sight, As stars arise upon the night. They gleamed on many a dusky tarn. Haunted by the lonely earn ; On many a cairn's gray pvramid, Where...
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Monthly Chronicle of North-country Lore and Legend

1891 - 624 pages
...Minstrel" in the following term* : — A score of fires From height, and hill, and cliff were Been, Each with warlike tidings fraught. Each from each...signal caught ; Each after each they glanced to sight AM stars arise upon the night. Standing some 1,020 feet above the level of the sea, the Beacon commands...
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The Lay of the Past Minstrel: A Poem in Six Cantos

Walter Scott - 1889 - 168 pages
...a sheet of flame, from the turret high, Waved like a blood-flag on the sky, All flaring and uneven, And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and hill, and cliff, were seen ; 330 Each with warlike tidings fraught : Each from each the signal caught ; Each after each they glanced...
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Poetical Works: With a Biographical & Critical Memoir

Sir Walter Scott - 1890 - 612 pages
...a sheet of flame, from the turret high, Waved like a blood-flag on the sky All flaring and uneven ; And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and...they glanced to sight, As stars arise upon the night. They gleam'd on many a dusky tarn, t Haunted by the lonely earn ; Î On many a cairn's grey pyramid,...
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The Complete Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott

Walter Scott - 1894 - 208 pages
...a sheet of flame, from the turret high, Waved like a blood-flagon the sky, All flaring and uneven: And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and...cliff, were seen; Each with warlike tidings fraught, F.ach from each the signal caught; Each after each they glanced to sight, As-stars arise upon the night....
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The Elementary Study of English: Hints to Teachers

William James Rolfe - 1896 - 106 pages
...heights, see Scott's Lay of the Last Minstrel, iii. 341-392. The following is an extract from it:— " ' And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height and...glanced to sight, As stars arise upon the night.'" Exercises in changing figurative language to literal, or changing one figure to another (suggested...
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Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, Volume 15

Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society - 1898 - 376 pages
...out. The foe to scout. Young Gilbert, let our beacon blaze Our kin, and clan, and friends to raise. And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height and...they glanced to sight, As stars arise upon the night. In England, the beacons were used not only to repel invasion, but also to gather forces for insurrection....
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