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" Winter comes, to rule the varied year, Sullen and sad, with all his rising train — Vapours, and clouds, and storms. Be these my theme ; These, that exalt the soul to solemn thought And heavenly musing. Welcome, kindred glooms... "
The matchmaker, by the author of 'Cousin Geoffrey'. - Page 143
de Harriet Maria Gordon Smythies - 1842
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The Complete Poetical Works of James Thomson

James Thomson - 1908 - 556 pages
...and N. BLANDFORD, t the London-Gazette, Charing-Crofs. MDCCXXVI. (Price One Shilling.) WINTER. A POEM SEE ! WINTER comes, to rule the varied Year, Sullen, and sad ; with all his rising Train, f Vapours, and Clouds, and Storms : Be these my Theme, These, that exalt the Soul to solemn Thought,...
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The Mother Tongue, Livre 2

1908 - 392 pages
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Monthly Gleanings in a Scottish Garden

Lucy H. Soutar - 1909 - 252 pages
...making, and the pines and the firs heard it and bent whispering to the dark, silent earth, saying : " See, Winter comes, to rule the varied year, Sullen...his rising train, Vapours, and Clouds, and Storms." And the wind grew in strength as a dark m ' THE FIRST WINTER STORM." December, p. 177. To I'ace 1'....
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The Wayfarer ...

Claude Ernest Benson - 1909 - 292 pages
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James Thomson's "Seasons": eine genetische Stiluntersuchung

Armin Blau - 1910 - 174 pages
...From brightening fields, of ether fair disclosed, child of the sun, refulgent summer comes etc. SD l ; See, winter comes, to rule the varied year Sullen and sad with all his rising train etc. WE 1. Oft wird zur Einführung eines Gegenstandes eine leidenschaftliche rhetorische Frage oder...
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The Vista of English Verse

1911 - 784 pages
...woods, fields, gardens, orchards, all around The desolated prospect thrills the soul. WINTER (1726) See, Winter comes, to rule the varied year, Sullen...that exalt the soul to solemn thought, And heavenly musing. Welcome, kindred glooms ! Congenial horrors, hail! With frequent foot, Pleas'd have I, in my...
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A Dictionary of Quotations from English and American Poets: Based Upon Bohn ...

Henry George Bohn - 1911 - 784 pages
...merry note, While greasy Joan doth keel the pot. 5664 Shaks. : Love's L. Lost. Act v. Sc. 2. Son:,' See, Winter comes to rule the varied year, Sullen and sad, with all his rising train, Vapors, and clouds, and storms. 5665 Thomson : Seasons. Winter. Line 1 Now, when the cheerless empire...
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The Works of James Fenimore Cooper ..., Volume 4

James Fenimore Cooper - 1912 - 504 pages
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The Handbook of Quotations

1913 - 264 pages
...welcomed and feasted; . . . All things were held in common, and what one had, was another's. Winter. See, Winter comes to rule the varied year, Sullen and sad, with all his rising train, Vapors, and clouds, and storms. Thomson: Seasons. Winter. I crown thee king of intimate delights, Fireside...
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English Prose and Verse from Beowulf to Stevenson

Henry Spackman Pancoast - 1915 - 858 pages
...thrills the soul. 1 The calm spreads over the atmosphère as soft as a fleece of wool. WINTER (1726) e dewy-skirted clouds imbibe the sun, 9eu And thro'...Wisdom and whom Nature charm, To steal themselves musing. Welcome, kindred glooms! 5 Congenial horrors, hail! With frequent foot, Pleas'd have I, in...
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