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Livres Livres
" How much more than is necessary do we spend in sleep, forgetting that The sleeping fox catches no poultry, and that There will be sleeping enough in the grave, as Poor Richard says. "
The Moral Instructor, and Guide to Virtue: Being a Compendium of Moral ... - Page 214
de Jesse Torrey - 1824 - 300 pages
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Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin...: Posthumous and ...

Benjamin Franklin - 1819 - 520 pages
...rust, consumes faster than labor wears ; while the used key is always bright, as Poor Richard says. But dost thou love life, then do not squander time,...the stuff" life is made of, as Poor Richard says. Ho»v much more than is necessary do we spend in sleep ! forgetting, (hat The sleeping fox catches...
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Essays and Letters, Volumes 1 à 2

Benjamin Franklin - 1820 - 360 pages
...rust, consumes faster than labour wears, while the used key is always bright,' as poor Richard says. ' But dost thou love life, then do not squander time,...How much more than is necessary do we spend in sleep I forgetting, that ' the sleeping fox catches no poultry, and that there will be sleeping enongh in...
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The British Prose Writers...: Dr. B. Franklin's essays

1821 - 356 pages
...faster than labour wears, while the used key is always bright,' as poor Richard says. ' But dost tbou love life, then do not squander time, for that is...sleeping enough in the grave,' as poor Richard says. " ' If time be of all things the most precious, wasting time must be,' as poor Richard says, ' the...
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A Father's Gift to His Son, on His Becoming an Apprentice: To which is Added ...

1821 - 162 pages
...while the used key is always bright,' as Poor Richard says — " But, dost thou love life ? then da not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made...sleeping enough in the grave," as Poor Richard says. " If time be of all things the most precious, wasting time must be," as Poor Richard says, 'the greatest...
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A Father's Gift to His Son, on His Becoming an Apprentice: To which is Added ...

1821 - 156 pages
...bright,' as Poor Richard says-' — '* $ut, dost thou love life ? then do not squander time, for tha.t 104 is the stuff life is made of," [as Poor Richard says....sleeping enough in the grave," as Poor Richard says. " If time be of all things the most precious, wasting time must be," as Poor Richard says, 'the greatest...
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Essays and Letters, Volumes 1 à 2

Benjamin Franklin - 1821 - 236 pages
...key is always bright,' as poor Richard says. ' But dost thou love life, then do not squander lime, for that is the stuff life is made of," as poor Richard...the sleeping fox catches no poultry, and that there >vill be sleeping enough in the grave,' as poor Richard says. " ' If time be of all things the most...
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Plain Directions on Domestic Economy: Showing Particularly what are the ...

1821 - 26 pages
...wears, wliilc the used key is always bright,' as Poor Richard say»,— ' But dost, thnu love lii'r •' then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of," as Poor Richard says. " If mm be of all things the most precious, wasting time must be," as Poor Richard says, ' the greatest...
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Essays and Letters, Volumes 1 à 2

Benjamin Franklin - 1821 - 230 pages
...says. ' But dost Ihou Jove life, then do not squander time, for that is the ctuff iitc is Diad« ol1,' as poor Richard says. How much more than is necessary do we spend in sleep . forgetting, thai ' the sleeping fox catches no poultry, and that there will be sleeping enough in the grave,' as...
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The Life of Benjamin Franklin: With Many Choice Anecdotes and Admirable ...

Mason Locke Weems - 1822 - 272 pages
...rust, consumes faster than labour wears, while the used key id always brigh*," as poor Richard says. "But dost thou love life, then do not » squander...there will be sleeping enough in the grave," as poor ilichaid says. "If time be of all things the most precious, wasting time must be," as poor Richard...
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An Introduction to the Universal Explanatory Reader: Designed for Junior ...

William Pinnock - 1822 - 252 pages
...rust, consumes faster than labour wears, while the key used is always bright,' as Poor Richard says. 'But dost thou love life? then do not squander time,...the stuff life is made of,' as Poor Richard says. 10. How much more time than is necessary do we spend in sleep ! forgetting that ' the sleeping fox...
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