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" Churches ; and we shall endeavour to bring the Churches of God in the three kingdoms to the nearest conjunction and uniformity in religion, confession of faith, form of Church government, directory for worship and catechising, that we, and our posterity... "
Historical Remarks on the Ancient and Present State of the Cities of London ... - Page 35
de R. B. - 1810 - 178 pages
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The Original Secession Magazine

1880 - 966 pages bring the Churches in the three kingdoms to the nearest conjunction and uniformity in religion, "that we and our posterity after us may as brethren live in faith aud love, and the Lord may delight to dwell in the midst of us 1 " Do we, like our godly ancestors,...
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The Reformation of the Church of England: A.D. 1547-1662

John Henry Blunt - 1882 - 648 pages
...the nearest conjunction and uniformity in religion, confession of faith, form of Church government, directory for worship and catechizing ; that we and...the Lord may delight to dwell in the midst of us. " II. That we shall in like manner, without respect of persons, endeavour the extirpation of Popery,...
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The Reformation of the Church of England: Its History, Principles ..., Volume 2

John Henry Blunt - 1882 - 666 pages
...the nearest conjunction and uniformity in religion, confession of faith, form of Church government, directory for worship and catechizing ; that we and...the Lord may delight to dwell in the midst of us. " II. That we shall in like manner, without respect of persons, endeavour the extirpation of Popery,...
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Learned in the law; or, Examples and encouragements from the lives ..., Page 55

William Henry Davenport Adams - 1882 - 526 pages
...confession of faith, form of Church government, direction for worship, and catechising, that we, and OUT posterity after us, may as brethren live in faith and love, and the Lord may delight to live in the midst of us." After undertaking to extirpate Popery, Prelacy, superstition, and schism,...
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History of the English People, Volume 3

John Richard Green - 1895 - 474 pages
[ Le contenu de cette page est soumis à certaines restrictions. ]
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History of the Great Civil War, 1642-1649, Volume 1

Samuel Rawson Gardiner - 1886 - 602 pages religion, confession of faith, form of church government, directory for worship and catechising, that we and our posterity after us may, as brethren, live in faith and love." 3 To this draft the English Commissioners took exception. " They," wrote Baillie, " were, more than...
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History of the Great Civil War, 1642-1649, Volume 1

Samuel Rawson Gardiner - 1886 - 598 pages religion, confession of faith, form of church government, directory for worship and catechising, that we and our posterity after us may, as brethren, live in faith and love."2 To this draft the English Commissioners took exception. "They," wrote Baillie, " were, more...
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A Church Dictionary: A Practical Manual of Reference for Clergymen and Students

Walter Farquhar Hook - 1887 - 806 pages
...religion, confession of faith, form of church-government, Directory for worship and catechising ; that \ve, and our posterity after us, may as brethren, live...the Lord may delight to dwell in the midst of us. II. That we shall in like manner, without respect of persons, endeavour the extirpation of Popery,...
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The Original Secession Magazine

1888 - 950 pages
...bring the Churches of God in the three kingdoms to the nearest conjunction and unif jrmity in religion that we, and our posterity after us, may as brethren live in faith and love, and that the Lord may delight to dwell in the midst of us." And had this uniformity in religion been maintained,...
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The Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution: 1628 - 1660

Samuel Rawson Gardiner - 1889 - 468 pages religion, confession of faith, form of Church government, directory for worship and catechising, that we, and our posterity after us, may, as brethren,...the Lord may delight to dwell in the midst of us. II. That we shall in like manner, without respect of persons, endeavour the extirpation of Popery,...
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