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Livres Livres
" Churches ; and we shall endeavour to bring the Churches of God in the three kingdoms to the nearest conjunction and uniformity in religion, confession of faith, form of Church government, directory for worship and catechising, that we, and our posterity... "
Historical Remarks on the Ancient and Present State of the Cities of London ... - Page 35
de R. B. - 1810 - 178 pages
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History of English Congregationalism

R. W. Dale - 1907 - 812 pages religion, Confessing of Faith, Form of Church-Government, Directory for Worship and Catechising ; that we, and our posterity after us, may, as brethren,...the Lord may delight to dwell in the midst of us. " II. That we shall in like manner, without respect of persons, endeavour the extirpation of Popery,...
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The British colonies, The United States (early colonial period)

Henry Smith Williams - 1907 - 712 pages religion, confession of faith, form of church government, directory for worship and catechising, that we, and our posterity after us, may as brethren, live in failh and love, and the Lord may delight to dwell in the midst of us. That we shall in like manner,...
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Makers of the Scottish Church

William Beveridge - 1908 - 252 pages religion, confession of faith, form of churchgovernment, directory for worship, and catechising ; that we, and our posterity after us, may as brethren...the Lord may delight to dwell in the midst of us." So much is perfectly clear. What Henderson dreamed of and struggled after was uniformity. At the same...
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Life of Sir Henry Vane the Younger: Statesman & Mystic (1613-1662)

John Willcock - 1913 - 470 pages religion, confession of faith, form of church-government, directory for worship and catechising, that we and our posterity after us, may, as brethren, live in faith and love." The Solemn League and Covenant also provided for the extirpation of Popery and Episcopacy, for the...
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The Scottish Historical Review, Volume 15

1918 - 414 pages
...neutrality in his cause,' and propounding the strange idea that their proceedings were going to secure ' that we and our Posterity after us, may, as Brethren, live in Faith and Love,' the contracting parties undertook 'that we shall, without respect of persons, endeavour the Extirpation...
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The Scottish Historical Review, Volume 15

1918 - 458 pages
...neutrality in his cause,' and propounding the strange idea that their proceedings were going to secure ' that we and our Posterity after us, may, as Brethren, live in Faith and Love,' the contracting parties undertook ' that we shall, without respect of persons, endeavour the Extirpation...
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The Personality of George Fox

Alfred Neave Brayshaw - 1919 - 108 pages
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The history of creeds

Philip Schaff - 1919 - 966 pages religion, confession of faith, form of Church government, directory for worship and catechising ; that we, and our posterity after us, may, as brethren,...the Lord may delight to dwell in the midst of us. ' II. That we shall, in like manner, without respect of persons, endeavor the extirpation of Popery,...
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Alexander Henderson: Churchman and Statesman

Robert Low Orr - 1919 - 428 pages
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The Constitution of the United States

United States - 1896 - 448 pages
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